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Bora's Pov:

SunHee unnie closed the door right in front of our faces and locked it too. I was a bit surprised on what she did but I also thought it was cute. I looked up at Grey and smiled shyly.
"So what are we doing now?" I asked.
"We are going to the movies and then eat at a nice restaurant. If that's okey with you?"
"Yes it is, I love food and I love going to the cinema." I answered, we held hands and walked out to Grey's car. He opened the door to me just like a gentleman, I smile and got inside. Grey closed the door and hurried up to his side, I was just about to fix my seatbelt but Grey stopped me.
"I can do it." He said and leaned closer to me, his hand took a hold of the seatbelt. Grey was so close to my face, without breaking the eye contact he fastened the seatbelt just like they do in some KDramas. We have been looking at each other to long so I looked down, I was blushing really red. "Your cute when you're blushing Bora." He said.

Grey started the car and we were on the road almost immediately.
"How was your day Grey oppa?" I asked.
"It was good but I didn't work that much."
"Because I could only think about you, what we should do on our date, if you would like it and how you would look like. I couldn't stop thinking about you Bora." Grey smiled.
"Really? Wow that's so cute." I said happy.
"How was your day?" He asked me.
"Good but stressful."
"And why is that?"
"Because of our date, unnie was so hyped that she could help me with my outfit and more. I wasn't nervous at first but she made me." I laughed a bit.
"Is she always like that? I don't know SunHee that well but Jay says she's amazing."
"She is amazing just like EunKyung unnie. Ever since our parents left us they have taking care off me just like a mom would."
"Your parents left you? Why?" Grey asked shocked.
"They died in a car crash." My unnies were12 years at that point and it have always been us since that. We can't get separated."
"I'm sorry for what happened to you Bora." He had his hand on my thigh while he was looking at the road.
"It's okey oppa, I don't remember them so much. But let's talk about something else, this is depressing." I joked.
"Yes it is." Grey laughed.

We continued to talk in the car while Grey was driving us to the restaurant. He haven't said what food we're going to eat but I know that it will be good. We arrived at the restaurant after 10 minutes, Grey parked the car and I looked out the window and I saw that it was a Chinese restaurant!
"Are we going to eat Chinese food Grey oppa?"
"Yes we are cutie." He smiled. Oh god how did he know Chinese food?! We got out of the car and held hands when we walked to the restaurant. I saw some people that was looking us, they probably recognized Grey. I covered my face with my hand so they couldn't see me but Grey pulled my hand away, I looked up confused.
"Don't hide your face, I want them to know that I'm dating a beautiful woman like you." Grey smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed again of course, damn how much am I going to blush this night?!

We walked inside the restaurant and was greeted by a man in a suit.
"Good evening Mr Grey, it's lovely to see you here again." The man said with a smile. "Who's the pretty lady?" He looked at me and I smiled slightly.
"Hey Jack. This is my beautiful date, Bora." Grey said to the man.
"Hello miss Bora, my name is Jack and I will be your waiter this evening." Jack said and bowed to me, I bowed back and said hello. He showed me and Grey the way to our reserved table, it was a bit more private then the others and it was perfect.

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