Data Log 49 - Apollo

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Name: Oscar Rikolov

Code: Apollo

Status: With day 50 of containment approaching is has shown...phycologic effects on the subject this is rather confusing considering that this subject should be grateful, he gets to spend every day with his father Dr. Rikolov, bringing Rikolov up we fear he may soon have to make a choice between his son and his job i only hope he makes the right decision but either way we will get results, back to the subject, today's tests involve another trial on his advancement being named after the god of Art,Music and the sun his abilities have a affinity with heat but i fear as the subject grows older his heat begins becoming warmer we may need to make renovations to his cell to accommodate this to prevent him from melting the walls causing a breakout.

Dr. Rikolov has entered the cell to calm the subject so i must get to the test.

-End log-

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