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The field is gray, massive holes spread throughout the terrain with wires of steel and bags of sand litter the area, gunshots are everywhere and explosions destroying dirt and creating pits from their blasts, it is a slaughter. This is war, and where spirits will rest eternally, there is a man hiding behind a few dead soldiers clinging tightly to his rifle, fearing for when the enemy will push onto them and defeat his unit. A small child appears before the man, skin black as night, eyes bright as a star "i can help you" the child said "the hell are you talking about your a kid and why the hell are you here this is war you could die you need to hide" the man said "for me death is just a game" the kid said.

"i dont know what kind of imagination you have but death isnt a game what about your family if you die you will lose them and for us soldiers if we die they might die" the man said "why?" the kid said "because if the enemy make it past us they might get farther and farther and might reach our home and slaughter innocent people" the man said "if they are the enemy threatening the lives of loved ones, why are you not fighting?" the kid said "cause im a coward" the man said "i can give you power to win this battle, and the strength to be brave" the kid said extending his hand. A whistle from the sky is heard "get down" the man screams grabbing the kids hand to pull him into cover, an explosion is heard and half way through the roaring boom sound suddenly stops, gunshots cannot be heard, not even the reloading of other soldiers.

The man begins to look over the top of his cover to see a great ball of fire in front of him, bullets frozen in mid-air, dirt from the explosion put in perfect stasis. "would you like to win this battle?" the kid said "what...what the hell is going on...wha...how...th-the hell are you"the man said "i am a god, but not your god with the robes and the white beard, i am a god of another realm a "void" you could say" the kid said "and i have taken interest in you, your very lucky, i dont find people in this world interesting very often" the god said "so your a god...and you offered me a way to win this war" the man said "yes, that pretty much sums it up" the god said "i-i will take your offer" the man said. The god then once again extended his hand, and the man took it "you have made a mistake" a disembodied voice said as the god began to enter the man.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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