Data Log 5110 - Zeus

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Name: Pointless 14 years in containment has left the subjects mind broken doesn't even recognize english

Code: Zeus

14 years...this program was founded 14 years ago with the capturing of this subject and its the same as usual hanging from his bindings looking at the same wall this year he said 2 in his "countdown" the others call it since 12 years ago he started with 13 this same day at first it was nothing next year the same date 12 then 11 then 10 the scientists claim it as a countdown to his escape i fail to see the logic to counting down your escape date though scientists have become so fearful of the 15th anniversary that the higher ups decided to increase security on the date i doubt he will try anything though hes been here for 14 years probably doesn't remember how to activate his "king mode" scientists refer to it read to many comics i say all he does is get a little bigger a little faster and emits a black mass from his body to put it simple he becomes a stupid beast with no idea how to deal with his surroundings and just smashes i'm rambling so its about time i end log

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