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Dear diary,

This day was okay. They said that i can choose between Jackson and Junhui to teach me Korean and i chose Jackson.

Wanna know why?

Junhui is and BUTTHOLE! He doesn't even help me, he laughs at me when i say something wrong and mocks me!
Then he speaks in Korean with his friends so i couldn't understand him and i feel like he's laughing with them about me ! :(

We had a test in science today, and i didn't understand most of it because, well , korean is hard :(
But thankfully the teacher let Jackson translate everything in Chinese for me, so i could do it! Jackson is really nice!

But i wonder of the teacher would understand it because i wrote in korean with Chinese words in between hahaha >:D

Oh yeah! I met Soonyoung! He's really nice and smiles a lot and makes funny faces and laughs! His eyes are weird though, like it would be 10:10 on the clock.

He talked to me a lot and told me about most of my classmates, and when i asked him about Junhui he just sighed and told me to not involve with him. When i asked why, he didn't answer, so i asked other stuffs about school.

Then he took me to meet his friends Hansol and Seungkwan. They are really funny too, especially when Seungkwan brings out his sass haha.

I think we will be great friends because they're really nice and accept me even when i can hardly speak Korean.

Well i guess that's it about today, i should stop writing for today!

I'll write tomorrow!

~~~Xu Minghao

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