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Dear diary,

it's the first december!!!
And this morning like a miracle it was snowing outside! we finished our classes and went outside . Soonyoung, Hansol,
Seungkwan, Jihoon, Jackson and me - the ultimate squad haha. only Mark wasn't with us because he had to do some stuff after classes.

we played a bit and then jun came and stole me from them. He wanted to go and get coffee, so we went out in the town. All around were happy kids playing in the sbow and couples walking hand in hand, just like us.

We got the coffees and walked around. We got back to school after about two hours and it was already getting dark. Jun walked to my dorm with me. We walked in and Soonyoung was already there with JihoonBoth boys were staring at us like crazy when thay saw Jun. We kinda ignored them and sat on my bed and watched a bit of anime. Then my mom called me.

I had completely forgot that i have to leave tomorrow! She reminded me and now since then my mood has been down. Jun went back to his dorm not too long ago, Jihoon left too and right now it's just me and Soonyoung, who is barely talking to me. I think i'm gonna write him a letter or something and try to make him not mad at me. Ugh, why is life so difficult?

~~ Xu Minghao

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