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Dear diary,

Today i got my first mark in this school! It wasn't an A, but a B is great too isn't it??

Today we got a new student in our class and his name is Wonwoo. He's really quiet but cool. And he listens to big Bang and Exo! Well i haven't talked to him but he had an Big Bang T-shirt and there was an Exo logo on his backpack.

Today Soonyoung came with me to walk LittleEight and we ran into Junhui and his friends. He made fun if me saying that i'm a baby because i have a dog and he called me a pabo. Soonyoung told him to shut up and almost punched him in the face! Way to go , Soonyoung! But he shouldn't get in trouble because of me.

When we got back to our dorm we had to sneak LittleEight in , and Soonyoung had this genius idea to put him under his shirt. I told him that's a bad idea but he did it anyways. When we walked in the dormitory there was a teacher so he ran upstairs and i almost died of laughter. Some minutes later he came back and helped me up but i was still laughing. The teacher just looked at us weirdly but didn't say anything. She probably thought we're crazy or something!

Later we went to Seungkwan's and Hansol's dorm and watched some scary movies with them on Hansols computer.

When we got back to our dorm, there was a stick note stuck on the door that said ' a weakling lives here'. I knew that Junhui did this, so i ripped it off and threw it into the bin.

I hate him! I officially hate Wen Junhui!

That's everything about today i think.
I'll write soon!!!

~~Xu Minghao

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