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jun closed his eyes and sighed. he didn't want to deal with joshua right now. soonyoung pissed him off already and now josh was lecturing him about how he shouldn't hurt minghao.

jun knows that he shouldn't, but he wants to. he has this thought in his mind that he's supposed to hurt and break every single fragile person he knows and now it is minghao. that's how he got his reputation amd now he ain't giving it up just for a single boy's feelings.

"jun!"joshua said when he saw that the boy isn't paying any attention to him. jun sighed again.

"i'm not listening to you" jun said and got up from his bed to take his phone and earphones. he got them, plugged the earphones in and put them in his ears. he could hear joshua talking to him but he focused on block b blasting in his ears.


minghao chuckled as soonyoung was fooling around the dorm,  trying to cheer minghao up. minghao was laughing but he  still thought about jun. minghao liked jun. a lot. but he knew that jun didn't like him. minghao knew that jun was a player and an asshole, but something still pulled minghao's attention to him. minghao didn't want to like jun , but he did.

"minghao, what do you say about coffee?" soonyoung suggested and minghao nodded, looking out of the window. the sun was setting and small snowflakes were flying down from the sky.

both boys walked out the dorms, taking little eight with them. they both laughed and talked about stuffs that actually made minghao forget about junhui for a moment. but that moment didn't last long. suddenly minghao felt a sharp pain on his cheek. he looked in front of him and there was a short but really beautiful girl with an angry expression.

"what did you do to my junhui?" she yelled and minghao flinched, then raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"what do you mean?" he asked and the girl fake gasped.

"so you don't know what did he do because of you? what a surprise, you're stupid."the girl said and minghao's eyes widened. why the hell did a random girl just call him stupid?

"i know nothing. update me" minghao said, crossing his arms. little eight barked and soonyoung picked him up.

"junhui broke up with me just now because of you."
minghao gasped, but was surprised. hoe is he the fault of a breakup of a relationship?

"where's the logic? it's none of my buisness about whi he is together with or breaks up with. and it's definetly not my fault that he broke up with you." the boy said and soonyoung chuckled. the girl was still angry.

"it is your fault. he texted me that he has another person in mind and that person is you, xu minghao." she said and both boys gasped.

"he texted you? what an asshole,"  soonyoung and minghao said at the same time and then looked at eachother.

"he did. and now i'm angry and you' ll have to pay for this, minghao." the girl said and walked away, bumping herself in minghao really harm, making him stumble and almost fall.

"well that was something" soonyoung said putting the dog down and poking minghao in the arm to get him back to reality. they walked in the café. they ordered two lattes and cupcakes, and sat for almost half an hour, talking and laughing, but minghao was still thinking about jun.

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