13th February 2017

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ive been feeling really odd recently.

almost like I don't belong

I have this phases fairly often as I have no sense of self meaning that iv enever really known who I am and I go through phases of manerisms, intrests and fashion choices.

maybe that's why I'm all over the place mentally, becauise the rest of me is.

I constantly feel like I'm not actually here in my head or I don't belong in this town and I truly don't belong in this town.

ive figured out where I wat to live


id be near the beach with some arcitechurally beautiful buildings and ive heard its a very inspringing place to live in for film mkaers with all of the beautiful landscapes ther.my favourite film maker currently lives there and his films often accociate around the beach. I guess hes just using what he has as hes a very low budget guy.

I hope to be like him obe day but no ones original I guess

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