The Feeling of Solitude - Chapter Two: Kiseki the Keeper of Light

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I was isolated in a room, where there was absolutely no light, no sun, no grass, no water, no buildings-- nothing.

A taunting voice called to me, as it gave off a darker and frightful aura.


Another familiar voice that was once calming, thrusted out it's arm to me, yelling crazily at the top of it's lungs.

"Kiseki!!!! Kiseki!!!! Kiseki, you....."

I couldn't hear the rest. It trailed off. Like the illuminating fire on a candle, dying at the silent blow.

The voice returned, but was yelling nonsense. I couldn't make out what it was saying this time either, but I heard it clearly. It let out a shrilling scream, as if the darkness had devoured it's entire soul.

I tried to contact the victim, now calling out, "Hello?! Hello?! Please, please, please...... Please help me.....!! I'm so scared....!! I'm so--"

I felt something pierce my back, coming out through my chest.

I was pushed onto the floor by impact, and I struggled to get up.

I couldn't move; my body was completely paralyzed.

My eyes were wide, but my vision turned awfully blurry.

I felt hot liquid leave my body, it's red pigment staining the floor.

Before I was engulfed by the eternal darkness, the last thing I heard was...



I gasped, throwing myself upright on my bed.

I ran my fingers through my hair, noticing how my breathing were shallow gasps.

I muttered, "Again........?"

"Mistress!!", a voice that was followed after by the sudden opening of a door called.

I whipped my head towards the door's entrance, staring at the person standing atop the threshold.

She came towards me, rather slowly actually.

With a gentle tone, she attempted to comfort me by saying, "It is alright, Mistress. It was only a nightmare. I am here to protect you, at all costs."

Hot tears poured from my eyes, for the first time in my life.

I threw myself at her, sobbing quietly.

I muttered in tears, "You're so dumb...."

For the first time since my birth...

I, Kiseki, the Keeper of Light, had become so weakened into a childish state as this.


I walked towards my first period's classroom, absolutely dreading the bright light that filled the hallway.

Students were laughing, smiling, groaning, running, and walking towards their own classrooms.

I hated it all. I hate how they can be so calm at a time like this.

I walked past the door that was propped open, heavy stares from the students eyeing me.

Sheesh, I know I'm late, no need to give me the evil eye!

"Ah, Kiseki, there you are! You're late. This is the second day in a row, you should know better! Next time you're late, it's detention, understand?", my homeroom teacher scolded me. Her voice was so soft, it was hard to be serious with her. Much like my maid's voice.

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