Chapter 6: Lay Down

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I looked around slightly dazed and confused but I still carried on walking.

At the front was the actual cafeteria with all the foods and snacks that must be eaten, the rest was just long rows of tables and chairs already being filled with people.

Even though the rows were long there were gaps between each group of students, like an invisible wall between them that can only be seen if you are looking in the right places.

I stumbled to the line and waited patiently hiding into the background rather than trying to make conversation with people.

“Hey! Where are you running off too?” I heard someone call behind me not realizing they were addressing me until he tapped me on the shoulder with the question remaining in his eyes.

“Oh, hi Zach.” I said not really knowing what to say.

“You can come and sit with us if you like? Don’t worry they won’t bite.” He said a small smile creeping on his lips.

“OK.” I said reluctantly trying to peer at the food to see what there was.

Too much if you ask me. There was everything here I couldn’t even say some of the names on the labels! So instead of looking around I just grabbed a chicken salad sandwich and a small carton of milk and seems how we were locked in the school we didn’t have any money, so the food was free which is an upside if you want to be an optimist.

All the time I was aware of Zach’s curious stare beside me. I pretended I didn’t notice him looking at what I was getting but it was impossible not to notice. Like a sixth sense I can tell when someone is staring at me and he was gazing.

He smiled when I turned towards him with my sandwich and milk. I followed unwillingly towards the corner of the room where a group of people were sitting and talking amongst them selves. I cautiously walked over to the table and sat beside Zach hiding behind his shadow.

They all stopped in a pool of silence and looked over at me curiously there eyes wondering with underlying excitement. I looked at each of them individually noticing something was different about this group. All the others seemed to look similar or have an equivalent vibe to the group.

This table however looked mixed. Next to me was Zach who was strong, handsome and friendly. The girl next to me had fiery red locks that twisted into what looked like artificial curls and she had a cat like eye colour which gave an amazing contrast. Red and green.  Then opposite me was a boy who looked almost feminine in a way. Slender body and long unattended matt blonde hair that drooped over his eyes as he eagerly looked at his food.

Then on the other end of the table were three girls dressed in dark clothes that looked like a less extreme Loltia which showed their figure nicely, the three of them looked at me with identical eyes. Brown eyes but with a strange violet feel to them.

Then there were others on the table too. A girl with solemn looking expression which still managed to look beautiful nevertheless. She was keeping to herself  and poking her food aimlessly.

“Hey guys, this is Scarlett.” Zach said gesturing a hand towards me. Each of them inspected me in their own way. Maybe looking to see if I was good enough to sit with them?

I smiled weakly at them still hiding behind Zach who tried to move so everyone could see me. Maybe it was the facial expression I was wearing or something else I did but they all seemed to smile at me one by one. Friendly, welcoming.

“Welcome to the Crypt newbie!” The boy with the matt blonde hair said peering up from his bowl eagerly. He extended his hand over the table in my direction; I looked at it confused until he pulled it back awkwardly. Only as he was pulling back I realised that he just wanted to shake hands with me.

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