Chapter Twelve: Promoted

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"Using your powers without regard takes an exceptional toll on your body." Mercy explained patiently as she concluded your full body examination. "But you've come a long way since discovering them."

You listened in silence, bringing yourself to sit on the edge of the table, you pulled your scrub top over your head and slipped your arms through. Your movements were gradual. Your entire form was incredibly sore. Your muscles screamed with every change in position. But with all the high intensity workouts you completed the past few weeks, it wasn't surprising.

"Winston's shown me his analyses of the past month. The ShieldPak he developed for you will allow you to heal up to three times before you cut into your own life force. After three times, you must allow your shield to regenerate." Her warm blue eyes bore into yours. "Understood?"

"Yes," You nodded, fidgeting with the hem of your top as you thought of another issue. "What about... my other ability? Does it affect my health as well?"

Mercy sighed, concern etched on her face. "I'm afraid so. Again, you mustn't be reckless with its use. Not even during training."

"I'll use it conservatively." The smile you offered managed to lighten her worry. "Only in emergencies." Besides, I don't think I can handle the consequences of seducing someone. You blushed, recalling how McCree had behaved that particular day.

Which, in turn, reminded you of Hanzo coming to your rescue. You still wondered what had set him off, knowing his distaste for you.

Upon reflection, it was hard to believe that it had been a month since that incident. Time disappeared when you became absorbed in your work and training.

You spent less time with Genji because he was assigned to multiple reconnaissance missions, and you hardly saw Hanzo around, either. Not... that you really minded the latter.

"[Y/N]," Mercy called you out of your quiet contemplation. "Your mentors and I agree that you are now capable of operating as an independent agent. You've successfully completed the necessary training. And you understand how to utilize your abilities." She wasn't quite finished. "I'd like for you to go on a mission."

"Um..." You hesitated.

"Don't fret, [Y/N]," Mercy pulled a file from her desktop and opened its contents. "It's only to scout for possible Talon activity."

'Only' she says. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, wondering if Mercy always had high expectations for everyone. "Am I being sent alone?"

"Of course not." She answered. "Genji's going with you."

Your heart skipped a beat. And to think that I was going to see him less with how it's been lately.

It turned out you were headed to Hanamura, home to the Shimada brothers. Because the mission required a certain degree of subtlety, you had to go through one last session of training.

Mercy had conducted a thorough check-up of your body and found nothing of concern, only recommending the use of your powers sparingly. That night, you were back in the training hangar, clothed in your combat suit, with your ShieldPak equipped at your waist.

The hangar door opened and in walked a very respected figure of authority. Despite the stark white hair signifying his old age, you didn't doubt he could crush every bone in your body with his bare hands. Without his usual combat visor, he looked less intimidating.

"Commander Morrison," You automatically straightened your posture to acknowledge him.

He greeted you with a short-lasting smile, appreciating your gesture. "You're my trainee tonight, eh?"

"Yes, sir."

"State your name, soldier." He approached you, his eyes suddenly turned stern as he assessed your figure.

If this was your first time wearing the combat suit Winston had designed, you'd probably be fidgeting from embarrassment. But the past several weeks in the skin-tight attire have helped you get over the feeling. Besides, Mercy and Winston both had agreed that your fitness was excellent.

You maintained your rigid stance.

Still... being scrutinized by the top brass of Overwatch was kind of disquieting. Not that you thought Jack Morrison would behave inappropriately. He was, after all, perceived as a father figure.

"[Y/N]," You responded to him as you looked straight ahead.

"At ease," He commanded after he finished circling you. "Going to Hanamura, right?"

"Yes, sir." You relaxed, bringing your feet apart and engaging his eyes as he conversed with you.

"What's your relationship with Genji? How do you see him?" The question came out of nowhere.

"Uh... he's my fellow agent?" Even to you, it didn't sound like you were certain of your own answer.

"Is that it?" His eyes narrowed like he didn't believe you.

"May I speak freely, sir?" You asked, mindful of your conduct.

He nodded after a brief pause.

"How is this relevant to my role in this mission?"

"Romantic attachment affects the way a team operates, one way or another. It might cloud your judgment, make you do stupid shit, and possibly compromise the mission--not to mention the lives of your fellow agents." He answered plainly. "That's how it's relevant."

His explanation sounded like a reprimand. And he wasn't wrong. Sure, you had an attraction to Genji. It existed since the day you met him. The thought of having a relationship with him has crossed your mind, but it was never pursued.

So you answered, "He's my friend and co-worker, sir. There's nothing romantic going on between us."

He was silent for a moment, then continued to brief you as if the uncomfortable topic was never brought up.

"Hanamura's a tourist spot. The best way to infiltrate and gather intel is using a civilian's guise. Especially during daylight." He explained before flipping open a familiar looking file folder and setting it on the table nearby. Then, with his blue eyes gazing into yours, he said, "You're over-geared. Take civilian clothes with you, nothing that would give away your affiliation to us."

"Yes, sir."

He sifted through the papers and continued, "You're going to visit the Shimada Castle as a tourist during their business hours. They open to the public from the 1000 to 1900 hour. If there is any suspicious activity during these hours, it would probably happen behind the scene. That's where you come in. You're a fresh face. No enemy should recognize you if you're disguised properly."

"Yes, sir."

"Before we get on with the actual training, I want you to know this: Make sure you're not seen with Genji or Hanzo while you're there."

"Hanzo?" Your eyes widened. "He's going, too?"


A/N: My dear readers, thanks for being patient with me. I'm trying to flesh out the story's plot so that it moves along a little bit. I apologize if this chapter's kind of boring! The next one will be more action-packed. :) as always, thanks for your feedback and support. I love you, guys!

In the Midst of Two Dragons 〈Hanzo x Reader x Genji〉Where stories live. Discover now