Chapter Fifteen: Heartbreak

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You ignored the light, whispery breeze that stirred strands of your hair out of place. The sliding doors leading out to the balcony remained open long after Hanzo's departure earlier in the day. And the full golden moon served as the only lighting in the dark room.

Hanzo's room. Impeccably clean, tastefully elegant. Just as you'd expected of someone like him.

What you didn't expect, however, was his scorching kiss. As well as his declaration to win your heart. It all came out of the blue. Knowing you were able to fully control your abilities, you were one-hundred percent sure he wasn't entranced after he'd grabbed your hand mindlessly and led you into his bedroom.

His bedroom.

"Ah... what the heck?" You muttered to yourself, stopping mid-pace as you buried your face in your palms. Not only had Hanzo voluntarily touched you, he'd touched you intimately with a kiss that left you dazed. Your cheeks felt hot to the touch from the embarrassment of it all.

"[Y/N]," The gentle voice calling out to you came from the balcony. It belonged to the other person occupying your thoughts today.

"Genji!" You whispered, a smile spreading across your lips upon sight of him. The joy bubbling in your chest was so full, so unrestrained, you threw your arms around his neck fiercely and pressed yourself against him. It was practically a tackle, but you'd be lying if you denied how much you missed him. Especially when you considered the possibility of never seeing him again after your capture today. "How did you get all the way up here?"

"I can scale buildings," He gave a light laugh as his arms gradually embraced your smaller figure. In that instance, he couldn't renounce his yearning for you.

Hearing the warmth in his voice, you pulled away and stared into the glow of his mask. You didn't forget how cold he'd sounded earlier over comms.

"They found and destroyed my earpiece earlier. I wanted to tell you not to come." You whispered. "You shouldn't be here. It's not safe."

"It is precisely why I'm here. I've come to rescue you." He said, beginning to sound perplexed.

"I mean... it isn't safe for you, Genji." You pressed your lips firmly as you paused. You needed to make him leave without you, but you knew it wouldn't be simple.

"What are you saying?" The younger Shimada questioned.

"My assignment as an Overwatch agent is not yet finished. I'm in a position of trust with our enemy. I can't pass this opportunity up." You stated with as much confidence as you could muster and flashed him a small smile. "Please don't worry about me. You trained me yourself, remember?"

The hesitation lingered, but Genji finally spoke after you noticed a rigid change in his posture.

"How could I not worry about you?" He said, a hint of frustration coming through his voice. "I..." He hesitated again.

You kept quiet, feeling yourself tense further beneath his gaze as Genji tried to express his thoughts.

"In your eyes, am I no more than a friend to you?" He asked suddenly. "I... overheard your conversation last night in training."

Oh, that explains it. You thought about the icy quality of his voice this morning. Directing your eyes to the wooden floor, you answered him. "I consider you a really, really good friend." You weren't being completely honest, though. But... I would like for us to be more than friends. When this mission is finished. When Talon is gone.

Genji noticed your cheeks darkening as blood rushed near the surface of your skin. He noticed you fighting the urge to fidget beneath his discerning gaze. He noticed enough to know that you reciprocated his feelings, even if they weren't yet spoken aloud.

There was a click followed by a hissing sound that forced your eyes back up. Genji was removing his mask. The action escalated your heartbeat and nullified your efforts to not fidget. Oh my, your eyes widened at what was unfolding before you.

As he brought the plate of metal down, the neon glow vanished.

The cascading moonbeam allowed you to see his face, revealed. Its structuring was aesthetically pleasing - the lines of his nose, his cheeks, even his lips were well-proportioned.

But the most breathtaking feature was Genji's eyes. You didn't know how it was possible, but his true gaze produced a conflicting effect in you. The dark depths were both calming and piercing. And just like Hanzo's, you could stare into them infinitely and forget your worries.

"I realize I am not the most handsome man you may know," He began, his voice gentle.

You almost completely overlooked the diffuse, noticeable scars on his face. You didn't think he was less handsome because of them. If anything, they made Genji even more attractive in your eyes.

"But I care very deeply for you." He continued, his free hand reaching for yours. "I... love you. I do not wish to see you hurt nor can I bear the thought of you risking your life. You should not be doing this alone."

The world fell away and all that seemed to matter right now was the man standing in front of you. For the second time, in the same day, you were stunned by the same thing: a man baring his soul to you.

It took a lot of self awareness for you to believe you weren't dreaming. And Genji's hand grasping your wrist confirmed that this was reality.

But Hanzo's words rang clear in the back of your head, '...I am imploring you to keep this to yourself, especially if you have any care for his safety.'

There was no doubt in your heart that you loved Genji. And if Hanzo believed that you'd endanger Genji's life should you involve him in this... then, what choice did you have?

You recalled that nightmare months ago, in which you saw Genji's body - bloodied and broken. The vivid, mental images were more than enough motivation to keep Genji out of this.

In the moments of silence that followed, you deliberated the words to say. You knew it would hurt him, but if it meant ensuring his safety, then so be it.

"I'm sorry, Genji." You snatched your wrist away, breaking free from his gentle grip. Resetting yourself, the warmth left your countenance as you looked into his eyes. Despite your best effort to steel yourself, the feeling of your heart breaking inevitably came. But you withstood the ache dwelling in your chest and continued, "I don't feel the same way about you."


A/N: Don't hate me! 😖 I'm apologizing for the wait and for the sadness in this chapter. Work's been kicking my ass, you guys. Again, I'm really sorry for the wait and I appreciate your patience! Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments (they've been making me rofl, especially at work when I can't respond to them😫)! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

In the Midst of Two Dragons 〈Hanzo x Reader x Genji〉Where stories live. Discover now