Chapter Nineteen: Drawback

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Calculating eyes watched you intently beneath the eerie mask, and you caught the flickers of crimson beneath.

Strangely, you weren't fazed or intimidated. The current overwhelming emotion you felt was... frustration. Frustration that your incredible dream met an abrupt end. Frustration that you couldn't be intimate with Genji like you wanted to be.

"[Y/N]," Hanzo's voice reflected his concern for you, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," You replied, your gaze never quite leaving Reaper's bloodied figure.

"Why are you in tears?" Hanzo's fingers traced your cheeks and came away wet with moisture.

"I'm okay," You said softly, surprised to find yourself crying over your interrupted dream. You wiped the remainder of your tears away, your face flushed from embarrassment.

When Hanzo stood and stepped aside, you climbed out of bed and eyed Reaper warily. His gait unsteady, Overwatch's greatest enemy approached you. And as he drew near, you noticed the copious trail of blood he was leaving behind him.

Without hesitation, you peered into the holes of his mask and said, "After all you've done, why should I help you?"

You could never have anticipated his next action, especially not while he was sustaining a grievous injury. The motion was so ghostly fast, neither you or Hanzo could react in time.

He'd brandished his shotgun and pulled its trigger at breakneck speed. The next thing you witnessed after the thunderous sound echoed was Hanzo's body crumpling to the ground.

"You'll help me, or he dies," His rough voice resounded clearly despite the ringing in your ears.

"Hanzo!" You fought back a sob as you started towards the marksman, but your enemy kept the barrel of his gun trained on Hanzo's motionless body.

"Take another step and I'll fire another round." Reaper's threat was not empty. "You'll heal me first, girl."

You weren't given much of a choice.

In a typical situation, you would be tending to the patient who was not conscious first. And... in a typical situation, you would not be forced to deal with anger and fear the way you were now.

But you realized that your life was far from typical now, and that it would never be typical again. Not ever.

Reaper's attire was too dark for you to discern the severity of his wound. To make matters more difficult, Hanzo's room was inadequately lit and hardly the place to care for the direly ill or wounded. And to top it off, time was against you.

"I need to touch your skin," You demanded, your voice quivering with animosity.

Reaper didn't waste time. He removed his mask, and there was a wicked smile occupying his dark features. Considering his depravity, you'd expected a disfigured creature behind the mask. In spite of his red irises, the fact that he appeared human riled you.

Gone was your sensibility. You closed the distance between you and your enemy, then clasped the side of his angular jaw. Your whole body was trembling, and the tremors were involuntary. Despite your desire to see Reaper dead for what he's done to Hanzo and many others, you closed your eyes and pictured him in perfect health.

In the Midst of Two Dragons 〈Hanzo x Reader x Genji〉Where stories live. Discover now