Drama! Action! CLOTHES!

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You look at them and go on one knee to look at them eye to eye "no. Youre not gonna go back...not if you dont want to. You can stay here with me for as long as you want. Im not worried about taking care of you. I dont want you to leave either, sure i just met you...but...with you two little cuties, how could i resist?" you say with a kind smile

Mac looked up happily "R-REALLY!? WE-WE CAN!? OH THANK YOU!" he squeaked hugging your finger, it was adorable

"w-wow...heh...i...i dont know what to say...thanks...we...we owe you alot huh? Heh heh" cheese said rubbing the back of his skull with a smile "you sure? I mean, we appreciate the thought immensely, but ...we dont want to be a drag either." he said looking up at you

"its fine, really...awww...." you say rubbing macs head, he flinched but let you, a blue tint going across his face...huh... You should ask him about that later...for now, you needed to get them dressed properly, and find somewhere for them to sleep... You stand up straight, trying to pull your finger away from Mac.

He lets go, albeit a little disappointed....he liked your warmth...he shook his head at the thoughts and looked up at you innocently, his eyes sparkling as he smiled "MWEH HEH HEH HEH!" he laughed as he smiled brightly

Oh god....his laugh was way too cute. It was like a charater from a tv show or somthing! You find yourself blushing just a little bit. As you smile softly "alright, alright, now that youre staying here, we need to get two some clothes, and somewhere to sleep. Hows that sound?" you question looking down at them

Cheese studied your expression a bit and smiled "alright" he shrugged and looked up at you, he looked to his brother and suddenly....poofed?? Whered he go!?

You look around "C-Cheese?!" you yelp a little panicked, a voice rings out "Right here" you look on your shoulder and see cheese sitting there with a lazy but wary grin "how did you-???" you sputter out

"magic" he he said, putting up his hands and waving them around mysteriously as he started chuckling at your befuzzled expression "surprised?" he asked, his eyes filled with amusement
"uh...yea...you scared me!" you said looking at him "sorry" he responded, not wanting to get on your bad side

Mac looked up at him "DONT DO STUFF LIKE THAT TO HER!" he scolded his brother before looking up at you "SORRY FOR HIM, SOMETIMES HE LIKES TO PULL TRICKS AND PRANKS ON OTHERS." he said apologetically "its fine" you respond and offer your hand to him "so? Lets go" he hesitated a moment before stepping onto your hand and sitting down as you pulled him up. You started walking, cheese gripped onto your shirt as he tried to keep his balance. You walk out of the door, luckily, you didnt have work today.
But you did have work tomorrow...
You sigh as you got into your car and turned it on, you put Mac on the dash board, making sure he wouldnt fall off.

(*time skip because fuck traffic X3*)

You pull into the parking lot, Mac was pressed up against the windsheild , his eyes sparkling as he examined the store "WOWIE....IVE NEVER SEEN SO MUCH ALL AT ONCE! ARE-ARE WE GOING INSIDE?!" he asked excitedly, his loud voice periced the silent air around you all, excited and happy as usual. You nod to him in responsr "yup." you look to Cheese

Cheese chuckled at his excitment, glad he was happy. He gave a soft smile as he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. "Cheese?" you questioned, a little worried. He looked over to you, seemingly snapped out of thoughts "eh?" he looked at you "you ready to go?" you asked as you offer a hand to Mac, who quickly jumped into your hand and sat there, baraly able to hold in his excitement "yea" he responded with a lazy, gentle smile.

You sigh as you step out of the car and walk up to the entrance, you walk inside and looked around. You went to an offical bitty store, one meant just for bitties. A store clerk greets you as you walk in, they looked at you before thier eyes trailed to Mac and chesse, and they looked down at the counter. You decided to only wave back with your free hand as you walked over to the clothing section.

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