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You hum softly as you get up out of bed, you still had about an hour before you had to be to work. Mac and Cheese had fallen back asleep as you got ready, getting dressed, freshening up, grabbing your stuff. All that good stuff. You decided to leave them here today, you left an old phone out for them so they could text or call you if anything went wrong, and you left then some apple slices and a little bit of honey as well as some water. You grabbed your bag and was about to leave when a voice rang out

"HUMAN? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Mac asked, he seemed a little worried

"im going to work, you two stay here. Ill be back in a little while, okay?" you said with a gentle smile as you turned to him and gave him a small rub on his head "i left out a phone and some snacks for you okay? Ill ask them if i can bring you next time okay?" you reassured

Mac looked up at you a little panicked "YOURE LEAVEING!?" he squeaked and held your finger "AND YOURE NOT TAKING US!?!" he had tiny tears pricking his eyes as he looked up at you

Cheese suddenly poofed next to his brother, he took one look at Mac and then glared at you "the hell did you to him?" he asked skeptically, his eye glowing softly

You put your other hand up defenseively and smiled nervously "im just going to work! And i gotta leave you two here! Okay?" you said as you try to pull your finger away from Mac

Mac simoly clung to ir like a lifeline "NO! YOU CANT LEAVE US! I DONT WANNA BE ALONE!" he yelped as he squished his eyes closed "Mac, your brother will be here with you-" he cut you off "BUT-BUT-BUT I WANNA GO TOO!" he argued, looking up at you with a small pleadful glare

"just take him..." Cheese said, crossing his arms and looking away "if hes going, im going anyway....wait." his eye sockets widened when he saw the plate of apples and honey to the side, he teleported over ". . ." he stuck a finger in the honey and tasted it, his eye flared for a second as they widened ". . . I want to stay." he said, his eyes watering from the sweetness as he sat down

"BUT- IF YOU STAY I HAVE TO STAY! I DONT WANNA STAY!" he yelped, his eye sockets brimmed with tears "PLEASE!" he begged his brother "ITS SO BORING HERE!"

You face palmed and sighed "you know what? Ill take Mac, Cheese can stay here-"

They both said in synch, both glaring at you "okay, okay, fine....ill take both of you, come on Cheese" you said as you try to pick Cheese up, he grabs onto the plate "nuuuuuu!" he whined and you gave an irritated sigh "okay, then you both stay here" you said as you attempted to put Mac down...
Of course, he has to be difficult and cling to your finger. "NUUUUUU!" he whined and clung to your finger.
Dammit. You gave a low growl and manage to tear Mac off of your finger and you set him next to Cheese on the plate... You then notice you got some honey on your finger from earlier and you set your bag down "stay. Im gonna go wash my hands, okay? Okay." you said as you sighed and went to the bathroom, you had to brush your hair anyway, it was a mess...
You forgot to, could you blame yourself?

Mac looked at your bag whimpering... Then he got an idea. He forcefully grabbed his brothers hand and dragged him away from his sweet treat, of course, Cheese got a whole drop or two of the sweet substance in his hands before he was dragged away with few words of protest "i wanna stayyy" he whined
"ILL SNEAK YOU SOME MORE WHEN WE GET BACK OKAY?" Mac promised, Cheeses eyes widened at the concept of MORE of this stuff "okay" he said as he relaxed, not even caring anymore to fight him. Mac dragged both him and his brother into your bag and hid

You come back and took your bag rushed, you had just looked at your phone and realized that youd be late! You didnt even look for the bitties as you rushed out the door

Mac squeaked but other than that he was quiet as his eyes sparkled in the dark, he hummed excitedly, he looked at cheese...
Who was still licking the drops he got in his hand. Of course.

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