I can do this

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    My hair is done in messy braids. I'm learning how to do it myself. Katniss has been teaching me, since mom doesn't feel up to it. I think she's sick. 
      I have tried to look good. I wore my reaping cloths and Katniss is wearing her dress. I want to remember father the best I can and I want him to remember us like this. I hope he sees this. I hope he see's how hard were trying.
      We mount the stage, that's one word to call it. It's more of a slightly elevated platform. It's the best we have.
    They say that the medal is to honour us. They say that, but don't mean it. Or maybe they do but I don't when I thank them. It's like saying sorry yore dad died here's a month of food and a piece of plastic. Have a good life!
      But I mount the stage. If Katniss can keep her cool I can. I can for now. But I don't blame them really. I try not too.
      The floor boards creek with the three of ours weight. My mother accepts the award but Katniss shakes the mayors hand and I thank him. Katniss would of but I beat her too it.
       The plaque is hard and shines. It's a fake. Trying to look like its very special when it's one of many, with our fathers name written on it.
      I decided then. I can't keep thinking these thoughts. I shake my head. My father wouldn't want me too. My mother wouldn't want me too. Katniss wouldn't want me to. So I will except this medal , I will dust my fathers mirror, I will brush my mothers hair and do my braids. I will learn how to help people, anyway I can.
        I lean over to Katniss and grab her hand. I can't help with food or money but I can help heal out feelings. I lean against my mother. Katniss will take care of me and I will take care of her. We will be safe. We will be okay.

When my father diedWhere stories live. Discover now