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Loyalties by @mettastars

You are doing a fantastic job with this story! I have read numerous fanfics about the famous Death Eaters' Hogwarts years, but you have pulled this one together in such a way that it is so different from the others.

I have to say, I am impressed and slightly envious of your HP knowledge. You have captured Barty Crouch, Jr. very well in this fanfic! I like his thoughts and how he is determined to show everyone he isn't like his father. I love how you've made Regulus out to be this perfect son and Sirius the sassiest sass master ever wow. I just love it when authors make Sirius a giant sass pile.

(Wait for it...)

I siriusly love Sirius.

Um... okay back to the review now...


Ugh, I literally despise Severus Snape (and I'm still upset Harry didn't name his son Albus Scarfy Potter...), but you've written him as totally relatable.

I didn't know I had this much in common with young Severus. His friend-zone position is spot on with what happened in the books! I feel like I am Severus Snape (*cringes* WHY!?).

I think this could be a great prequel to the HP series, and I love it! I can't wait for future updates...



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