nine (november junior year): in which fairy lights make an appearance

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Moon can't believe her French teacher scheduled a test the day before Thanksgiving break. The class let out a collective groan when it was announced, and Moon is particularly irritated because she had planned to go to the nearby town with her friends and watch a movie. She guesses the school has conspired to wring out as much work from their students as possible, because both Winter and Kinkajou have history tests the same day. The three of them have agreed to study together or, as Kinkajou puts it, "endure the misery in the sparkliest way possible. Okay. Winter. Sparkle for me. There. I can bear being the third wheel if you sparkle properly."

Kinkajou still hasn't gotten over the fact that she dumped an entire bottle of ultrafine glitter over Winter's head a week ago and his hair is still very glittery. Moon's scarves are full of glitter, and Kinkajou thinks it's hilarious.

"Moon!" Kinkajou breezes into their room trailing rainbow jewelry and waving her phone in the air. "I got invited to the best concert ever!"

"When?" Moon looks up from her book where she's lying sprawled on her bed. 


"Don't you have to study?"

"I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. And you'll get to pick the glitter out of your boyfriend's hair!"

To Moon's embarrassment, Winter chooses that moment to knock on the door. Kinkajou flings the door open, still grinning.

"Oh no," Winter mutters. He drags a hand through his hair.

"I've got to go to the concert now," Kinkajou says, waving her hands at Moon. She breezes out the door, leaving Winter frowning at his notes.

"Concert?" He asks.

"Apparently it's more important than studying."

"Kinkajou thinks something is more important than studying?"

"I can feel the sarcasm dripping off that question."

"Mmm." Winter yawns. "Qibli offered caffeine- maybe I should have taken it."

"Between the three of us, Kinkajou probably represents at least 80% of the energy at any given time."

"I'd say 85%."

"Honestly, I'm afraid I'll end up asleep. I'm afraid I'd rather end up asleep than studying."

Winter half-snorts. "Wouldn't everyone?" He leans against Kinkajou's bedpost and flips through his notes.

"True." Moon sits up. "Could you grab my flashcards from my bag?" She's so tired, and she only wants to lie back down and talk to Winter and close her eyes, but her French teacher's tests are infamous.

"Oh. Sure." Winter passes them to her, then tilts his head and sits down next to her.

Moon considers kissing him and spends a few long seconds staring at him. She decides to set her head on Winter's shoulder and shuffle her flashcards because, really, this test is no joke. Winter puts his arm around her shoulder and sighs, but it's a lovely contented sigh that makes Moon nestle closer and flutter her eyes closed. Only for a second, she tells herself. Really, it's funny how much Winter loves to be close to her, when he won't let most people touch him.

He taps her arm, and Moon opens her eyes, starting on her flashcards. Third year French vocabulary is deathly boring, and it's November and she's slept horribly for the past week and Winter is so warm. She's halfway through the set, and Winter rustles his notes just to her left. The fairy lights she bought in the nearby town twinkle in her half-closed eyes.



"I think I'm going to fall asleep."

"What do you suggest I do about it?"

"Mmm." Moon slips her arms around Winter's waist, and he rests his head against hers.

"Must I wake you up?"


Moon can't bring herself to fight sleep.


Winter goes through his notes three times, and Moon is still asleep. He taps her shoulder a few times, but she doesn't stir. It seems cruel to wake her, and if he gets up, she will wake up. And it's so nice to just sit here like this. He stares at the fairy lights, and listens to Moon's dream pop, tinny through her phone speakers, but he can't fall asleep, just in case someone comes looking for one of them. His parents would hate it if he was caught like this.

Not, he reminds himself, that their opinions matter. 

Winter waits. His thoughts swim, and he's just let his eyes drift closed when Kinkajou flings the door open, and he jerks awake.

"Shh. She's asleep," he whispers, holding a finger to his lips. Moon stirs, burying her face between his neck and shoulder.

Kinkajou's eyes light up, and she claps her hand over her mouth. "This is the cutest thing I've seen in my entire life!"

Winter rolls his eyes and hopes the uneven lighting will hide his blush. He doesn't like people watching him with Moon.

"But what am I supposed to do now?"

"I don't know. Stay there." Kinkajou shrugs.

"Really? Until curfew?"

"You'll figure something out."

"It doesn't work like that."

"Why do you expect me to know what to do?"

"I don't."

"Stop arguing," Moon murmurs, swatting at Winter's face. He rubs his eyes with his free hand.

"Sorry," Kinkajou says, grinning.

"I should go." Winter starts to untangle himself from Moon.

"That's unfortunate," Moon yawns. To Winter's irritation, she makes no attempt to sit up. "How late is it?"

"About ten thirty, I think."

"I should really study some more."

Winter gives up trying to duck under Moon's arm and settles back against the pillows again. He's half-asleep, and Moon's head on his shoulder makes him feel warm and melty inside. It's almost enough to make him forget Kinkajou is there, uncharacteristically quiet.

"But I really have to go," Winter repeats, closing his eyes. He wants to stroke Moon's hair and kiss her and fall asleep and forget about going home for Thanksgiving and forget about school tomorrow. "It's late."

"And there's school." Moon manages to both rescind her arms and scoot closer to him. Winter sighs. 

"The concert was so great though," Kinkajou says, swishing a blanket down from her top bunk. She wraps it around her shoulders and drops onto the bed next to Moon. "But! The holiday formal is coming up! You're going, right?"

"No," Moon says.

"Absolutely not," Winter adds.

Kinkajou rolls her eyes, gesturing expansively. "Oh, come on! You're sixteen and in love and neither of you went last year. I'm not letting you stay in."

"I should go."

Moon yawns. "Night."

"Good night." Winter slips out of the room, easing the door shut.

Back in his room, Qibli and Umber are sitting against the wall, sharing a set of earbuds. 

"Kinkajou tried to get me to go to the dance," he complains, throwing his notes onto his bed. "I don't know what she's going to do next, but it won't be good."

Qibli shrugs. "You should go. It'll be fun."

"You too?" Winter grabs his toothbrush and brushes stray glitter off the dresser.

"We're going," Umber says.

"I'm not." He heads out the door, feeling inexplicably calm.

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