twelve (january junior year): in which our heroes express personal growth

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Winter thinks he'll be as good as dead to his family in about a year, when he applies to college as undecided.

But he's found friends- and a girlfriend- who are better than family.

People who have taught him how to stop hating himself. In fact, he's beginning to think that maybe he matters, maybe he's enough, maybe he's worth it, whatever that means.

"I missed you, love," Winter says into Moon's shoulder, holding her closer.

She's dream pop and cable-knit sweaters, tentative smiles and neon blue lights, overly fluffy scarves and deep conversations, m&ms and stargazing and summer.


And Moon isn't afraid of anything- not college, not crowds, not speeches and not the future. It's going to be alright.

She knows she'll still have meltdowns, Winter will still feel awful, sometimes they'll annoy each other to death, and that she could avoid it all, avoid every scary place Kinkajou takes her, by shutting the world out and hiding in her room. It would be so easy.

But this is better, Moon thinks.

"I love you," she whispers, closing her eyes. So much better.

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