four (june sophomore year): in which parties are ditched and grass is great

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Winter is sitting in the corner at the party Qibli dragged him to. It's horrible, much too loud and much too stupid for his tastes. The music pulses, sounding tinny despite the host's expensive speakers.

Moon hugs her knees to her chest next to him, frowning out at the mass of people.

"I hate it here," she says.

"Want to get out?"

"Yeah, but I almost feel obligated to stay. For Kinkajou."

"I'm sure Kinkajou is having fun doing whatever people are supposed to do at these things." Winter rolls his eyes. "As is Qibli."

Moon sighs. "I suppose I'll come. Anything to be able to hear myself think again."

They walk through the woods and the sweet night air in silence, pausing at the edge of the soccer field. Winter remembers slipping their way through it in the pouring rain almost six months ago, at their not-date to Starbucks. Now, the ground is dry and the sky is empty.

"I don't want to go back to school," Winter says. "It's nice out."

"It really isn't, but okay." Moon stretches out in the middle of the grass, and Winter lies down next to her, their shoulders almost touching. "I can barely see the stars."

"Light pollution. Ruins everything." The grass is soft on the backs of his arms, with that texture unique to summer. It feels foreign.

"And we aren't even in a city." She sighs. In the dimness, Moon's eyes look sad.

"Close enough." Winter wants to kiss her breathless, to tell her all about how much he cares about her. How hard he's tried to forget he'll have to spend the entire summer two time zones away.

"I can't believe the year is almost over. It sounds cliche, but September seems so long ago."

"I was a jerk in September."

Winter glances at Moon- she's looking at him, expression unreadable.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "Really sorry. You deserved better."

"I..." Moon trails off, staring at Winter.

He still can't tell what she's thinking. "I regret it. Being so awful. I never...never wanted to hurt you." Winter looks away, staring at the stars. The trees to his left rustles in the breeze. Moon was wrong- it's a lovely night, soft and quiet.

"I forgave you a long time ago."

"Thank you."

"Yeah." Moon pauses. The grass swishes as she shifts. "You deserved better too, you know."

"Better than what?"

"Your family."

Winter turns his head to look at her. Moon's eyes are endless. "Icicle would say she deserved better than me."

"Icicle's wrong." Moon half-smiles, reaching out a hand. Winter holds his breath, lets his eyes close. 

She touches his face, skimming her fingers over his eyelids and his lips and his jaw, and Winter sighs.

Moon combs his hair back from his eyes, and it feels like the kind of summer he's read about in books. She trails her hand down his neck and over his collarbone. Winter swallows, and he's sure Moon can feel it.

If Icicle finds them here, which is definitely possible...

He could end up disinherited, or worse. Moon laces her fingers with his. The world clicks into place.

There are art scholarships and bio programs. There is the lingering warmth where Moon touched him. There is the way his heart is racing, the way it's as if he's flying. There is her shoulder pressed against his. There are the stars stretching forever above them.

Winter decides he would rather be here, lying in a field with Moon, not a cent to his name, than sitting alone and cold at the head of a corporation. Really, it's too easy.

He kisses Moon's wrist and hears her breath catch.

Fuck it all.

"Moon, I-"

The grass rustles. Footsteps. Moon drops Winter's hand.

"Hey, you two." It's Qibli. He settles down on the grass next to Winter.

"I thought you liked parties," Moon says.

"Sure, until everyone starts getting drunk and trashing stuff." Qibli laughs, but it falls flat. "This is much better." He smiles, flicking grass at Winter. "Never thought I'd end up your third wheel."

"Shut up." Winter elbows him, blushing.

Qibli snickers, then stretches his arms above his head. "The stars are so clear here. Not like the city."

"Oh, wait until you see them in the middle of the wilderness." Moon doesn't move away.

Winter feels so impossibly happy, lying here between his two best friends in all the world. Like he's rooted to the ground, but tied to the sky. Safe and giddy and hopeful, all at once.

These people are so tangible, real and whole and kind. This is it, Winter thinks.

"But you can't beat the city lights," Qibli says.

"Stars are better," Winter says. "By far."

After a few minutes, Umber joins them, lying down next to Qibli.

At the beginning of the year, if you'd asked Winter whether he'd like to lie down and stargaze with Moon and Qibli and Umber, he'd have probably flipped you off. Winter laughs quietly, because his younger self could use some more laughter. He's heard it makes you live longer.

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