Work issues: Julian's POV

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Give me ideas guys willing to do it as long as it isn't reeeeeaaaalllly smutty. Sorry but I'm a fluff cat not a smut dog.

Willing to listen to ideas tho!😁


    Jesus I still have to work with Barry. He hardly shows up for work! He hardly halls me with cases anyways! What's his problem? How did he even get here?? Ya he is smart but he still gets laid and he doesn't do anything!!

  So unfair!

I bet he slept with a bunch of women in the office. I wouldn't blame them he is quite stunning his hair the way it is comb perfectly. His perfect frames. I wonder what is underneath his....

Stop it Julian!! You don't need him! He is an awful man! God pull yourself together man!!

   Honestly I don't know what us happening...I wish I knew....

Damnit Barry what the hell?

Me of all people falling for Barry Allen??

I sigh to myself. I heard the door open.

Speak of the devil look who dicided to show up for work.

  I don't get it lately he has been trying to be nice. I'm like so nooow you wanna be partners. Ya right!

I scowl at him before returning back to my computer to continue my work.

"Hey" Barry says quite happily and smiles.

Look at his smile...Stop it!

   "Morning Allen" I Barely even look up from my computer screen.

Allen shrugs it off. I have forgotten we made a deal! I was supposed to be mentoring him. I mentally face Palm.

"Any investigations?" He asked quite to curiously for my taste.

If you only knew the investigations in my head about you.

I smirk to myself. "What are you smirking at?" Barry is now starring directly at me I can feel my start to blush and not because if embarrassment.

"Nothing just a thought" I grunted out my answer.

"Oh? Do you mind if I ask about what you were thinking about?" he says this slyly

He is such a fox! "None if your business" I snapped at him he kind of just smirked at me with a small questioning look.

Did I give myself away!? Oh fuck! He probably thinks I'm a qeer!!

  Barry comes up behind me. Dear god please let this end well. I though bitterly.

Oh my oh my! I can feel his body heat even though we aren't touching. What do i do at this point I can't stop blushing!

Barry turns me around.

Stupid spinning office chair!

  He kneels down and looks me over with a questioning look. Honestly why does he care what I'm thinking. He stares deeply into me.

All I could do was stare back. His blue eyes were like stary orbs. I was lost in the depths of them.
   Before I knew it I was leaning in and we soon had brushed our lips together....his were soft and comforting and sweet full of bliss.

We just sat there for a few more seconds and pulled away, air being more important. Our faces were red. We looked at each other full of surprise and worry at the same time.

  I wanted more and I suppose my eyes gave this away because he said "I can meet you later I gotta run see you later?" I only nodded.

For the rest of work I kept thinking about him. Nothing but him but the day was slow anyways.

Hee hee hee I small snip it of fluff deal with it I'm a fluff cat! Meow!!


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