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Well if you're actually reading this, welcome.

Welcome to my book of all the things I was too afraid to say or do. Welcome to the things I decided to do or did. Welcome to all of the corrupted fantasies of an  18 year old virgin who acts like she's 30-fucking some years old.

Welcome to my utter irrelevance.

If my intentions weren't clear enough,
this is basically an attempt to legitimately, somehow, introduce of my beautifully cultivated first world problems.

Basically, I was never good at talking, nor will I ever be good at talking. I'm very awkward. But I'm good at written expression. I am good at manipulating words to perfectly describe the fucked up chronicles I play in my head, well after constant editing and rewriting that is. I wanted to piece the right words together to share the one thing that I love: The Art of Poetry.

I also apologize for my vulgar sexuality but I promise this is only for artistic intent.

On a different note, this "book" is pretty fucking amazing. Don't quote me on that because I'm not going to promise you that you'll like it. I know everyone has a different taste, some more acquired than others but I'm not judging, I swear.

If you made it this far, might as well keep reading because I bet the poems are slightly more amusing than the awkward rambling you've just had the pleasure of experiencing.

Thank you reader for reading this book. This book was made for you. Every single word, every punctuation and all of the all-nighters were for you. That makes you a pretty special stranger.

Embrace it.

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