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Yes, I am that girl in the back of your class
taking notes
-just existing.

Yes, I wear makeup to conceal and "un-feel"
the things that kept me up all night.

in the back of your class, still taking notes, battling norms and battling the tears that I try

as allergies, because crying is my reaction to the sensitivity that I conceal when I'm
-just sitting;

In the back of your class and maybe like everyone else here I'm tired. It's 8 am so I should
-"stop stressing "

because when you undermine my worries they suddenly disappear, so thank you
-for acquitting

my irrational afflictions because I'll assume you haven't slept in days too and your life's a bitch.
-I'm remitting

your assumption that generalized my desperation for any other girl in the back of your class
-just existing.

But yes, I am the girl you glance at, taking notes and

my allergic reactions. So i apologize if my existence is too loud
and if my tired eyes are trying too hard to relate because we're all here
-just stressing

and trying to take notes.

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