Part Two: The Outside World

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As Night ran to the exit, she slowed a bit down and stood on her back paws like a human. As she looked out of the cave, a bright light hit her eyes and startled her. "What the hell?" Night whispered to herself as she turned back into a human and shielded her eyes with her right hand, leaving her left hand to hold onto the side of the cave's rocks. "So bright..." As Night walked out a bit more she felt a hit of warmth she never felt before, Sunlight. At a nervous rate she walked down the mountain, hiding as much as she could from the blinding light, cursing at it every time it touched her until she got onto the dirt floor of the bare ground. Curious, she crouched down to look at the dirt closely and pick it up. Night licked the dirt in her hand, to spit the dirt out and wipe the what is now mud, from her mouth. Night sighed and looked around to see only a plateau and a few trees. "Where to?" Night murmured to herself as she walked along the dirt road quietly, looking around her and sometimes looking at the sky to see the sun and a few clouds.

After a hour or two of walking on the dirt path, a tiny town came into view. As she walked into the little town, people greeted her with warm welcome as she walked past them. As she walked further into the town, Night spotted the town's pub with a few people going in and out, A little store that sold foods and drinks from around the world. She saw a candy store where kiddies ran in and out with their faces in delight as they got sweets and happily scarfed it all down before anyone could say anything. Night looked at the kids with a scrunched up face as they ran around playing tag or pretending to be a knight saving someone from a fake dragon. "Hey give that back!" A little girl screamed at two boys that looked a bit older than she was. "No way! It's mine now!" One boys laughed holding what looks to be a doll in his left hand. " But my brother gave that to me before he left to join the military!" The other boy scoffed "Well get over it! He's dead. Just like your Fath-" "Hey you little sh*ts! Leave her alone and give back that damn toy." Night said walking up to the three children and gripped it out of the boy's hand and gave it to the girl. "Here..." "Thanks miss!" smiled the girl as she hugged Night and ran off. Night froze, looking at the girl running away. Then night looked at the boys and she gave them a death stare. The boys started to cry and ran off, leaving Night to laugh at them and kept walking to get to the next town.

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