moving to L.A., chapter one

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Charlotte's Pov 

Today is the day I move to Las Angles. I was excited yet nervous. I had all my stuff packed and was ready to drive to the airport. I said goodbye to the couple of friends I had, I've always been shy so making friends wasn't quite easy. The traffic was terrible but I knew so back rodes and got there faster. I went through security and quickly texted Gabbie before the plane took off.

To Gabbie♤

Don't forget to pick me up at the airport !

The plane had took off and I tryed to be one of those tumblr people who took those pictures of the clouds below from the plane window. It didn't look that bad so I posted it on Instagram with the caption "new things to come" . The plane ride seemed to last forever. I began to drift off.

I woke back up right before the plane was going to land. Everyone exited the plane and I searched for Gabbie. I saw her faced and instantly smiled. Her and I were neighbors along time ago. I was a bit younger then her but we had always got along great. We hugged and I noticed she was with a guy that looked awfully familar. I looked at him a little more and realized it was David. I had seen his vlogs before and sometimes Gabbie would tell me about him when we talked on the phone.

"David right ?" I smiled.

"Thats me" he said sticking out his hand.

We shook hands and started walking to baggage claim.

"Is it okay if I vlog you?" He asks.

"Yeah, I could use some subscribers" I laughed.

"Wow she already fits in" David laughs.

We find my bag and start walking out to the parking lot. I follow them, and they led me to a Tesla. Gabbie had told me about this.

"No way" I gasp.

"I'm vlogging this, I'm about to ride in a Tesla" I smiled.

David laughs. I pull out my camera and so does David. He starts recording.

"Hey guys I just got a new car. How do you like it?" I say into my camera.

David laughs.

"I'm sadly kidding, it's David's " I say pointing the camera at David.

We all got in the car and he drove us to Gabbie's apartment. I got my bags and we said our goodbyes to David. Gabbie had already set up my room and I thanked her a thousand times cause it looked great. I unpacked all my stuff and got settled in.

"Hey Char, David wanted us to go over Scott's house later so you could meet everyone, you up for that" she questions.

"Uhh sure as long as you're going, you know how shy I am" I tell her.

"Actually now that you've started youtube, you've gotten alot less shy. You were so social with David today I was suprised" she says.

"Yeah I guess" I tell her.

"What should I wear?" I question.

"Something  cute there's alot of guys, I don't think any are you're type though" she shrugs.

"Well I don't know, but I'm gonna go get ready" she says walking to her room.

"Okay" I tell her.

I out on a big baggy shirt that's supper cute with some ripped jeans and a choker, it looked cute trust me. I did a little makeup and was ready. Gabbie came out of her room.

"You look great " I tell her.

"So do you" she says grabbing her keys.

"Let's go" she says.

We walk out to her car and get in. I was a bit nervous but remembered I'm different now, I'm in Las Angles!! We get there fast. We walk in without knocking. David had his camera out vlogging and it was literally all boys. I've never seen any of them before except David and they were all staring. I feel like I could literally throw up. I knew by now my face was bright red so I tried to calm down. Which I did.

"Guys this is my old bestie, she just moved here" Gabbie tells the boys and they all get up and walk toward us.

"Hey I'm Zane" a guy that looked way to happy says.

"Hi" I smile.

"Im Scott" a guy who also looks way to happy says.

"I'm Heath" a guy who smells of cigarettes says.

We all sit in the living room and talk.

"We never got you're name?" Heath says.

"Oh yeah duh, I'm Charlotte  but you could call me Char" I tell them.

"Where's Toddy?" Gabbie asks.

"I think he's sleeping" Scott says.

"I'm not sleeping" a voice yells from another room.

I hear his footsteps coming closer so I turn around. My eyes meet with his. Wow.

"This is Gabbie's old friend, she just moved here" Zane tells this guy.

"Hey I'm Toddy" he says with a grin.

He sits on the couch with everyone else. David starts vlogging. When David vlogs everyone has there little parts sort of. He asked me if I had watched his vlogs before and I said yes and he told me to act like they did in the vlogs and I knew exactly what to do.

"So Char what was you're first impression of Heath?" He asks.

"What degree of lung cancer does this guy have" I say and David starts laughing hysterically.

He turns his camera off.

"She's a natural" he laughs.

We all talk for a while. At some points I found myself staring at Toddy but I stopped myself before he noticed. It began getting dark outside so Gabbie and I were leaving.

"Bye guys" I said and got enveloped in a group hug from Zane, Scott and Heath.

Toddy soon joined.

We all seperated and laughed.

"We should hang out tomorrow" Zane says.

"Yeah maybe you guys could show me around?" I question.

"Of course" Heath says.

They all nod in agreement.

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