nobody knows.,chapter nine

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Charlotte's Pov

I woke up around noon which is something I usually don't do unless I'm hungover or sick, and I was neither of those things. Guess I just had good sleep for once. I walked into the kitchen and there Gabbie was sitting on the kitchen barstools, turned around already looking at me.


"Well" I say.

"First he took me to the Hollywood sign then we got Taco Bell, the we went to beach at night. It was pitch black, nobody there, peaceful. Then we got ice cream" I tell her.

"Did you guys-" I cut her off.

"Yes we kissed" I tell her.

She puts her hand on her heart.

"Aww little Char is getting so big" she laughs.


From Davidd¡

Hey wanna hang out with Liza and I today were probably gonna go out for lunch in thirty minutes if you wanna go?

To Davidd¡

Yeah of course if I'm not interupting

From Davidd¡

No of course not


With that I get ready. It was chilly out so I threw on a sweatshirt. I did my makeup and hair and actually looked really cute today, well at least I thought so. I heard at knock at the door so I went and opened it.

"Hey" I say

"Hey" Liza smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

We went downstairs and into DAVIDS TESLA BITCHES. We drove downtown to a little diner. It was kinda old school and super cute. It had checkered floors and baby blue walls. We sat down at a four person table. I was pretty sure I was gonna be third wheeled so I was prepared. A waitress came and took our order.


From Todd♡

Scott kinda got a trampoline, come over and jump on it with me !!

To Todd♡

Maybe later I'm at lunch with David and Liza.

From Todd♡


I miss you

And you're lips

To Todd♡

I'll kiss you later gtg.

"Char got a crush" Liza says.

"Huh? What who?" I question.

Shit did they know.

"I don't know but you are texting someone you like you're blushing" she says.

I laugh.

"Aww that's cute" she says.


The rest of lunch was spent talking about California. We talked about youtube and I thought about how I haven't posted in a couple weeks shit. The food was great here. I got some kind of flatbread and a Dr.Pepper cause that shits my favorite. A bunch of David and Liza ' s fans came up and got picture. It was so cute, I love seeing the fans faces when they meet someone they've looked up to for so long.

We left a few minutes after, I offered to pay but they wouldn't let me, but I did leave the tip. They took me home and then I was just gonna get an uber to Todds. I made sure I looked okay and then I texted Todd.

To Todd♡

Can I come now ?

From Todd♡


So I stood outside in the cold waiting for my uber. I didn't have to wait outside but the weather was beautiful, I love the cold. The uber showed up. It was an awkwardly silent interaction that made me a bit uncomfortable but as soon as we reached Todds I was happy. I payed the guy and walked up. I knocked and was soon greeted with Todds adorable smile.

"Hey cutie" he says and pulls me inside.

"Let's go jump" he says and I laugh.

"CHAR'S HERE?" Zane screams from another room.

"I am" I laugh.

He runs out from his room and over to me.

"What are you doing here" he says hugging me.

"She wanted to jump on the trampoline" Todd says.

Zane laughs and goes back to editing. Todd and I walk out into the backyard. It's gorgeous outside, freezing and cloudy. I loved it. It's supposed to rain for a couple days which I was stoked about, I love rain.

I start vlogging.

"So Scotty got a trampoline and I'm here jumping on it with Todd. I'm no vlogger but this was important" I shut my camera off.

After a couple minutes of jumping like we were five we sat down on the trampoline.

"So how was lunch?" He asks me.

"It was good " I tell him.

I knew he wanted to kiss me by the way he wouldn't stop looking at my lips. I didn't know what was stopping him but something was holding him back. So I kissed him. I didn't think about how Zane or Scotty or anybody could see us, I didn't care to be honest. The kiss didn't get very deep cause we remembered where we were.

"Next time you better kiss me first" I laugh.

"You got it" he smiles.

As we sit on the trampoline and talk about stupid stuff like aliens and a shit ton of conspiracy theories it starts to rain. And not just like a drizzle, no a full on down pour. We run inside. We laugh when we get inside.

"Oh Chars here hey" Scott says.

"Hey" I laugh.

"I was just gonna text Gabbie and tell her to come over with food, what do you guys want" Zane says.

"Taco bell" Scott says and we all agree.


After spending almost four hours with them, I was tired and wanted to go home. So did Gabbie so I had a ride.

"Bye guys" I said.

Todd pulled me into a hug.

"Bye beautiful" he whispered into my hair.

I left with a smile on my face.

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