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Sean woke up the next morning and packed up what he had, he didn't have much, he bought a bed and had been keeping it in hotel storage. Felix helped him move the bed up to his room and some of the boxes he had.

"Wow you don't have all that much do ya?" Felix asked.

"Its expensive to ship stuff from Irl- Sector 99" Sean said, it wasn't call Ireland anymore, and sometime he had a hard time with that, he was surprised that after all this time he still messed up on calling it Sector 99.

"Its the fifth of the month" Felix pointed out while walking to the kitchen, Sean followed him.

"Already? God I hate this time of the month" he said.

"Well- whatever keeps to world leaders happy" Felix said bitterly.

Sean gave a weak half smile. Every fifth of the month the FAG'S would come to everyone's house and scan them and the place for homosexual activity. Felix always worried that his friend would get caught, his neighbor, Mark. Mark was a stripper and always worked when the Force came around, meaning they left him alone, and actually just forgot about the people working, since they couldn't do it at work places. Felix was thankful Mark was always gone.

Sean was always nervous when the fifth of the month came around, though he didn't know why, he would never be charged with anything, though the thought of it made him sick, to have to go through a beating, then the second time be sent to a hospital where only god knows what happens. Sean spent the time waiting for the dreadful knock, unpacking. All he had to unpack was his art stuff and clothing. Felix had a desk that he told Sean he could have since it was old one.

There was a loud knock a couple hours later, Felix walked calmly to the door.

"Felix Kjellberg? and Sean McLoughin?" The unemotional voice asked, it unnerved both of them how unfeeling these object's truly were.

"Yes" Felix nodded.

The FAGS pushed there way in, there were only two of them. They looked around the room, and in the bedrooms, a small hum coming from them as they scanned all the rooms.

"No homosexual activity in the rooms" one of them said to the other, they glanced at both boys to scan them "Or on the two men" he added.

"Do you know of any homosexual activity going on in this building or anywhere?" One of them asked.

"No" Felix said, Sean shook his head no.

"Okay, we should be off then, call us if you think there maybe some going on" The left the apartment, Felix closing the door after them.

Felix listened as they went to other people rooms and did things, then they left the building, he let out a small breath knowing once again his friend was safe.

"I'm glade Mark was gone" Felix said sitting down running a hand through his hair.

"Mark?" Sean asked.

"Mark is our neighbor, and a really friend of mine" Felix explained "He's uh- sort of Gay, though he hasn't really done anything, like any acts, I think" he said.

"Oh- well I think its nice that you wouldn't turn you friend in" Sean smiled at "and it's sweet that you worry about him" he added sitting down next to him.

"Ha, wish I didn't have to worry about him" Felix smiled "But glade you don't care" he smiled.

"Of course not, this fucking law is stupid- hell they aren't even able to fight for there rights without getting silenced" Sean huffed.

"I don't know, as cruel and horrible as it is, I mean I have almost gotten use to it... y'know?" Felix asked.

Sean nodded, he knew what Felix meant, they had become slightly numb to seeing all the violence, numb to hearing that people were dying. They had to become numb, or all of this would of driven them crazy by now.

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