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The knocking was loud and strong, they both knew the knock to well, Sean automatically started to tear up. Felix patted his back hugging him closely.

"Nothings gonna happen to you... could just be a neighbor, Sean please calm down" Felix frowned, it didn't take long for Sean to be reduced to a shaking crying mess.

Felix sighed and another knock made him whimper and that scared Sean more than anything if Felix was scared that meant that he knew what was behind that door, and was just trying to calm Sean down.

Felix let out a shaky breath as he got up leaving Sean on the couch he opened the door a bit, so only his half of his body was seen.

"Yes officers?" he asked calmly, trying not to let his voice quake or waiver.

"Is Sean McLoughlin here?" one of them asked.

"... Yes... Why?" he asked keeping a firm grip on the door, wanting to keep them out.

"He has broken Rule 227 any sexual act of any kin-"

"I know what the rule is" Felix cut them off "There is no way my roommate could have broken that in any way, he spends all day in his room painting," he said.

"Any protection of this sissies will get you punished", one of the F.A.G's said.

"I'm not protecting any gay person, my roommate is not gay" Felix growled.

"Sir" the door was shoved open causing Felix to fall on the floor, he glared at the F.A.G's angrily "We don't care what you think" one walked passed Felix while the other one went to Sean's room.

Currently, Sean was trying to crawl out the window to run and hide, but the robot grabbed him throwing the small boy over his shoulder with ease. Sean hit the F.A.G's back like a toddler throwing a tantrum, wiggling and yelling swear words at him.

"Sean No, Let him go!" Felix said grabbing the boy's arm as they went passed him, he got dragged a bit out of the room before the other F.A.G pulled him back and held him until he tried of fighting.

"Mr.Kjellberg," The cold voice said to the Felix who was trying to catch his breath on the ground "Your friend will be at St.Peters mental hospital if you really wish to visit him," he said and walked off to go do his normal patrol around the sector.

"Fuck!" Felix growled hitting the wall so hard causing his knuckle to split open, he didn't care at the moment, he threw his coat on and ran as fast as he could to the St.Peters hospital, it was about a two miles away from his house, so when he eventually got there he nearly passed out from running.

"Fuck I'm outta shape" he mumbled trying hard to suck as much air in as he could, though every breath hurt a little, he hadn't run that far that fast in a while.

Felix walked into the broken down looking mental hospital, it looked like they hadn't even tried to repair it, where paint was it was chipped, there was graffiti on the outside and inside. The inside looked like some doors were missing, one of the doors was only half a door, he was able to see women laying there curled up on her bed naked, shaking, cuts all along her back and legs, bruises all over her body.

"Excuse me" a small Italian voice snapped him from looking at the women.

Felix turned around to see a women with light auburn hair and brown eyes, Felix glanced down to look at the name tag 'Marzia'.

"Marzia right?" Felix said trying to sound calm "I need to see my bo- I need to see my friend," he said "he was just taken in his name is Sean McLoughlin," he said.

"Yes, we just got him in a room... I'll ring the doctor up, he's the only one that can allow you to see him" she said grabbing her phone and calling the doctor to the front desk.

"Marzia... that women that's not all from-" he cut himself off looking down, he felt sick.

The nurse got a somber look and she nodded "Yes, we all we can to help these sick souls" she said, though Felix noticed she didn't look too happy saying it.

"Mark Fischbach... you had him here right... did they- did they capture him again? or find him at all?" Felix asked worried that maybe they did and just didn't tell the public.

"No sir, they didn't find Mark yet?" Marzia said a small smile playing on his lips and she left him to go into the break room.

The doctor walked up to him and put out his regretfully shook it.

"You're Sean McLoughlin's doctor right?" he asked skipping all the 'hello' bullshit.

"Yes," the doctor said "I'm doctor Calum"

"I need to see him, he's my friend," Felix said.

"I'm sorry sir I can't allow that," Calum said calmly.

"let me see him! I swear to god if you hurt him"

"No hurt... Heal" Calum cut him off.

Felix had enough, he swung at the doctor and with his non-hurt hand and his him square in the nose, Calum stumbled back holding his nose. The gaurds were quick to come and pull Felix out of the hospital, Felix kicked and screamed for Sean wanting him to hear, hoping he heard. The two gaurds pysically threw him out, Felix landed on his ass and groaned letting himself lay down on the side walk trying his hardest not cry.

"You'll have to excuse the gaurds," Marzia said, Felix opened his eyes to look up at her.

"What?" Felix asked.

"I said you'll have to excuse the gaurds, they're only doing their job," she said again.

"and I supposed thats what your doing huh? just your job," he said a bit hostel as he got up.

"I'm sure Mark made it to the abandoned sector alive, only one F.A.G is sent there a month and the people living there usually dismantal them," Marzia said.

"How do you know he was doing to the abandoned secor?" Felix asked.

"Dosen't matter," she said "I didn't catch your name?"

"Felix" he mumbled.

"Nice to meet you Felix, try visiting again tomorrow, maybe they'll let you in to see your.... friend" Marzia smirked a bit and skipped off to whereever she was going.

Felix looked after her confused and made his way slowly home. When he got home he threw off his coat washed off his hand and wrapped it up. Felix grabbed Seans laptop signing in remember the pass code he saw him type a couple of times. The pages was open to an artical called 'Conservation Therpye Methods Doctors Use' Felix scrolled through them, he felt sick to his stomach, pasiants basically being molested, having blood drawn, having medication put in them, being beat, cut, taking sertain parts of there brian out, like they were worthless things you could test on for your own amusment.

Felix shut the laptop violently and laid down on the couch. He needed to get Sean out of there, one way or another he would, he swore to protect Sean and thats what he was gonna do, even if it ment taking his place, even if it ment dying for him.

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