2P! Prussia: His Awesome Antidote Part 2

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   In the bathroom, I varied my tones in my voices as I belted out the lyrics that I had written since four days ago. I think it went pretty well, but some lyrics sounded way too cheesy. I had England tutor me this afternoon after he told me about Prussia's crisis. As I sang, I was pondering if maybe Prussia had truly gone berserk. Has he? No, yes, no... he did sometimes kill people out of anger or to be on top of everyone. I put the comb down, the one I had used as a microphone. I know I should help him out now.

   My singing gradually faded out of existence, and my head plopped against the mirror. I groaned, and just then, I head a huge swoosh coming outside from the bathroom. I knew that familiar sound, it was England's black rabbit phasing through my door. I came out, "What is it that has brought you out here?" I asked it.

   It floated in the air, propelled by its small onyx-colored wings. It bobbed up and down, and it faded out the door, "Wait! Let me put on some shoes!" I exclaimed, running to my room. I grabbed a random pair of shoes and my sweatshirt. I exited my room and graciously followed the winged animal who floated patiently beside my door.

   "Where are we going?" I asked it, but it was useless to exchange words with a mute creature. Then came the shocking park, and I abruptly stopped in my tracks, "No... why are we here?" I trembled, "Why did you lead my to the North Gym?" I demanded. The bunny flew behind me and nudged my back to walk again. I swallowed and made haste towards that dreaded place. At the entrance, my fingers began to shake right when they enclosed themselves around the handle. The door creaked open as the lights turned... they didn't. It was pitch black.

   At the South Gym, the lights always welcomes me, but I guess there was a manual switch somewhere, but I had no time to look for it. The bunny nudged my back as it led me through the darkness, and we went inside the men's locker room. It was still dark as heck, and a substance hit one of my senses, "Damn, it smells like sweat in here!" I held my nose and swatted the poisoned oxygen away from me.

   The bunny glowed a dark purple, illuminating over a spot of the wooden floor, "Here? What do you want me to do?" The rabbit dropped to the floor on its fours and pointed down with its paw, "You want me to... dig up the boards?" It kept pointing. I figured that England and the bunny have been investigating in Prussia's case. It was strange, England never meddled in anyone's business like this, but I knew he liked to peave into everything. A floating crowbar came into view, surrounded by a purple aura, used by the bunny's dark magic. I used it to dig up about three boards, and as the first wood chipped, my fingers tightened, my grip tightened around the crowbar as a disgusting stench slapped my nostrils, "AUGH! Oh damn!" I cursed, but I kept uprooting until it took only one more board to reveal the hidden monstrosity that had me drop the bar.

   Fifteen bodies of men and women lay sprawled in the cold dirt floor. Most of the bodies were missing body parts, all bruised, battered, bloody. The killings weren't clean at all, all the marks were messy and clumsy, or it looked like the work of a madman, "A-Are you saying that...?" I asked in a hushed voice to the rabbit, who sat beside the handiwork I had done. Receiving no answer, I place the boards where they were. Nobody wakes up really early, so if I do I may be able to tell the findings to the boss.

   'We must leave.' The bunny commanded me telepathically. It rarely spoke like that unless situations were growing dire. I nodded, but before I turned around, I heard a click behind me. I stiffened, and heard heavy boots behind me. The bunny disappeared through the ceiling, "No don't leave me." I mouthed.

   "Turn around." a scratchy voice said. I did a dumb mistake to turn around, and a tremendous fist slammed in my face. I heard a snap, I thought it was my nose. I fell on my butt, but my nose was throbbing but not broken. That's when the light snapped on dimly and I found two pieces of plastic once a pair of glasses in front of my feet. A wave of anger surged within me. Prussia stood like a statue, frozen in his own anger. I noticed that he looked murderous, a glint sparked in his cold pupil, but he didn't stop me from firing up.

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