the art of love -setosolace

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" Briceeeeeeeeeeee are you done yet?" Seto questioned as he stood perfectly still, not daring to move an inch. "Almost seto, almost." Was the only response he got. About an hour ago, Brice had gotten inspiration from when seto was practicing magic, entranced by the dark blue and purple flames that had danced around seto as he had chanted the spell. Now he was doing a figure study of seto, drawing him in an attack stance. Seto was quite uncomfortable, considering he had been like this for the past hour or two. Sitting up, Brice set down his pencil and grinned. "You can relax now, ill go get ny paints!" The excited blond had tun out of the room, leaving his sketch book wide open. Stretching, the mage walked over to the desk where the sketch book had been left. Flipping through, he discovered many pictures of him doing various things. One was washing dishes, his face set in a soft smile. Another was him in his sleep, and another was him hunched over his desk, brows furrowed in concentration. Seto blushed when he saw what was in the very back. Dozens of sketchs of him and brice holding hands, kissing, hugging. Brice's footsteps could be heard, and seto quickly shut the sketch book, retreating over to the couch he had been standing in front of and plopping down. Brice walked in with a smile. He set down his paints and his smile went into a frown. "Why is my sketchbook closed....?" Seto shrugged. "I'm pretty sure you did that brice." The blush was still visible across setos face as he walked out of the room, leaving Brice to stress about what colors to use and if the mage had seen his setosolace pictures he had made.

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