3: Same old, Same old

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Zetto was sitting down, reading the local newspaper as per his usual routine since the past four years, his White hair a bit more grey than usual, as the color was fading back to it's normal brown.

"Unlondon's finest catches notorious burglar." He read aloud, somewhat smiling, knowing that the local police department has kept another criminal from harming others. He reached over and grabbed a small cup, drinking it's contents of coffee before setting it back down on a nearby table.

"A rather fine deed done by our fair metropolitan police force." He said to himself as as he put the newspaper to the side, drinking the rest of his small cup of coffee before depositing the cup into the kitchen sink and washing it. After which he put it into a cabinet into a small section labeled "cups" next to a section with another label, "glasses."

A woman's voice could be heard while the front door opened, "Zetto, we've got mail." the woman known as Mrs.Monica Kuzuuya said as she walked into the house, and headed over to her husband, handing him a letter. "It's from Ethan."

"Thank you kindly." Replied Zetto as he took the letter and opened it, unfolding its' contents and read it aloud.

"NUVOLA NOVE Postal Service"

"Dear Father,

It was over 18 years ago that I was wrapped up into bringing an end to the Evil Kitsune Tribe that plagued the multiverse. I was most fond of our time together, Though it felt like it went by so fast, I am hoping to see you again in this glorious era.

I am currently in "Novula Nove", a city in Paris that literally takes to the skies every now and then. It's basically a large airship that lots of people live in, so to speak. I'd love to see you here one day.

I wish you well, and give my condolences to mother as well as sister too.

Sincerely, your son

~Ethan Leroy Kuzuuya, 1900."

Zetto and Monica smiled as Zetto put folded up the letter and put it into his pocket.

"Well, shall we gather our things and see our Son?" Zetto said to Monica, to which she nodded in response.

"I'll go tell Sherry."

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