2: A New Day

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Ethan stepped into a bathroom and looked into a mirror at his reflection, he could see his beard fully grown, his short brown hair, his blue eyes carefully examining himself, he then took to shaving away the accumulated amount of hair upon his chin before looking down at his own attire; A light brown vest and white undershirt. Below, adorning his legs, were black pants and some odd combination of dress shoes and modern sneakers, seemingly making walking or running for a long period of time causing no pain like normal dress shoes would.

"It's a goodie, but an oldie." Ethan said as he then headed out the door, and through a hallway towards a door. He was about to leave his humble abode until he had forgotten his most vital, yet intimidating piece to his personage. A gun. Ever since the incident over 53 years ago, Ethan has always carried a weapon with him in case of certain instances, or even helping out a citizen in distress; He turned and headed to the other side of the room, opening a large cabinet to reveal weapons like a Revolving Carbine rifle from 1855 and a Henry Model 1813. Though, he mainly pocketed a "Harmonica Pistol", the magazine in one pocket, ammo loaded, and the gun itself in the other, as both would not fit in one pocket alone. After taking out the Harmonica pistol and pocketing the magazine and pistol itself, after loading it of course, he headed outside to enjoy another beautiful day among the city of Nuvola Nove.

Ethan Sodaina BokenWhere stories live. Discover now