Chapter 7: Not What I Was Expecting.

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Luke's P.O.V

"Bye Ab see ya later babe." I wave to Abby and she smiles back at me. Her boyfriend Troy has just picked her up to go out on a date. I tried to hide my anger and disgust when she told me and I just pretended to be thrilled. I'm such a loser. I'm just letting her go off with that dude when I could be the one she's with, but now it's too late. Besides he's buff and I'm toned. Troy is what girls like Abby look for not me. But it probably isn't going to last for long and when it doesn't I'll still be here with her through everything because we have a friendship that's going to last since I'm never going to confess. Ever.

Hold you tight straight through the daylight, I'm right here when you're gonna realize.


Three Months Later.

I sit here next to Abby on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on my lap and her hand occasionally reaching over and taking some out of the bowl. Three months have passed and Abby is still living in our guest room but is also still dating Troy. I'm trying to get over her but it's kind of hard when we're living in the same household, but I'm not complaining. It seems like it's getting pretty serious between Abby and Troy and that's the perfect reason for me to move on.... Or just stay single forever. Yea. "So Luke I've been meaning to tell you," the sound of Abby's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Troy kind of asked me to move in with him and I'm going to." I can't see myself but I know my jaw is touching the floor. "I know it sounds kind of crazy since we've only been together for a few months but Troy is really nice and I really care for him." This is a sign from the universe telling me to move the fuck on that she will never love me. This is it, it's my chance to finally let her go and live my life but always have her friendship. I just don't even know how to react though because I barely even know this fucking Troy guy and she's only been with him for three months.

"Say something." Abby says. "I don't have anything to say. You're an adult, I'm not your mom. I'm happy for you." I say trying not to sound rude but fail. "I-I'm sorry Luke I just can't depend on you and your family for free anymore and Troy really wants me to move in with him and I think this is a good thing for me." Abby replies looking down. "Really Abby it's fine. I'm happy for you." "Okay Luke. Thanks, I'm going to go pack." Abby finally says walking away. I need to get away for awhile and just be alone.


I sip my caramel macchiato as I stare out at the grass and the trees. I went to Starbucks then I came to this empty park and sat down on a bench. The park is nice, there's a long cement pathway leading throughout the grass covered land with various benches spread out alongside the path just incase somebody that was walking gets tired. The grass is moist and I can see the sunset shining through the leaves of trees, it's an extravagant sight really. I was so lost in the beauty of nature I didn't notice someone move to sit next to me. "Beautiful isn't it," I hear an unfamiliar female voice say. I jerk my head in the direction of the voice and I see a pretty brown haired girl about my age sitting next to me. Her hair is just a little past her rib cage, her lips curved up at the edges, and her hazel eyes staring at me with curiosity. She's a wonderful sight.

"Yea it really is." I finally reply to her. We both just stare off to the sunset in a comfortable silence until the beautiful stranger breaks it. "Emily," she says. "Emily West," she finishes with a breathtaking smile that makes me smile back. "Luke Hemmings," I say. "Nice to meet you Luke Hemmings," she shakes my hand. Her hand is warm and soft, the touch of her skin is almost, comforting. "You too Emily West." "So what brings you here? You seem a bit troubled." She asks. Should I tell her? It might feel good considering I've kept it to myself for all these years and she's only a stranger. Before I can stop myself I open my mouth. "I've been in love with my best friend since we were young and I've hid it the whole time and now she's moving in with her boyfriend that she's only been with for three months. She says he's a good guy but something about him throws me off. He's been with a lot of women and I'm just afraid he's going to hurt her and I know I sound like a jealous prick but I just don't want her to get hurt. I also don't know how to tell her to stay with me at my house and be safe without revealing my feelings." I let out a big huff. I've been holding that secret in for so long it felt good to let that information out even though there's more details to the situation but I don't feel like bringing them up.

"Woah wasn't expecting that." She laughs. "Why don't you want to tell her about your feelings?" she asks. Oh yea I left that part out. "I don't want to ruin our friendship. We've been friends for so long and I'd rather not tell her about my feelings forever than lose our friendship." I tell her.


I quietly shut the front door behind me as I enter the dark house my family owns. It's nearly midnight because I spent hours talking to Emily at the park. She's really cool actually, I've never been able to open up to anyone like I did her and I like it. We exchanged phone numbers and she told me to text her sometime. I don't think I like her like that I just haven't met a girl like her before. Emily is kind, funny, and a really good listener. Meeting and talking to her actually gives me hope that Abby isn't the only girl for me, I'm not saying Emily is 'the one' but now I know that 'the one' doesn't have to be Abby.

There's just something about Emily that I can't get out of my head. You like her dumb ass. My conscious tells me and I roll my eyes. Maybe I do, I don't know I can't tell until I spend more time with her. Once I get to my bedroom I strip down to my boxers and climb into the confines of my bed. As I stare at the ceiling attempting to fall into a sea of dreams my thoughts keep me awake. This is just what I needed another girl to fall for and stress over.

(Hey guys I know it's been forever but now I'm back and here to stay! How was your Christmas? Mine was great and I got a new laptop so it'll be way easier to update than on my phone. I know this chapter was also short but I really wanted to update because it's been so long. Sorry for any typos please comment and vote xx Oh and I just made a new twitter with updates on all my fanfics it's @gimmethat1d_ so if you want info on updates go there and follow! Thanks loves I'll update soon xx)

(p.s. Emily West is Lilly Collins xx)

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