Chapter 9: This Is It.

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Luke's PO.V.

I locked the door behind me after bringing up the last moving box. It's been a week since I found this small cottage and now I just finished moving in. The place is average size with several windows, wooden floors, and a nice fire place. About a week ago I went to Bridgemore Apartments and I didn't really care for any of the apartments they showed me. Some were too big, too expensive, or just not for me so I decided to wait for a better choice to come along. I went home that day and my mom showed me an ad for this small cottage in the newspaper. It seemed really nice to me so I called the number and talked to a woman named Lisa who explained to me that the cottage is her mothers, but her mom is very ill and can't live alone anymore so she's moving in with Lisa and they're renting out the cottage. I schelduled a meeting with Lisa and her mom to see the place and I felt really comfortable with everything. Lisa's mom Martha seemed to really like me and signed a leasing agreement with me that day. It took me awhile to be ready to move but now here I am.

The cottage isn't too small, but it isn't big. The kitchen and the livingroom are connected, then there's a hallway that leads to a set of small stairs with a bathroom to the left of them. The stairs lead up to a loft which is now my bedroom. The loft only has one window, but the window is big enough that when it's daylight the whole room is iluminated in light. I lift the box I just carried inside and read the label on the side of it that my mom wrote telling me which room in the house the contents belong in. The label tells me the box goes in the kitchen so I take the box in there and set it on the counter. The clock on the wall says it's one thirty in the afternoon, which means I have to be to work in an hour. I started my new job at a local coffee shop called "Joe's" a few days ago and I actually like it. I usually start work in the afternoon which is great for me so I don't have to get up early in the morning.


A bell rings by the door indicating there's a customer entering the shop, but I don't look up to see them because I'm too busy making another pot of regular coffee that we seem to run out of a million times a day. I just got here about an hour ago and it's been pretty busy but things have just started to die down. "Hi welcome to Joe's how can I help you today?" says a girl named Jenny who works at the coffee shop with me. She's  real skinny, with long red orange hair and a freckled face. "I'll have just a regular cup of coffee with cream and sugar please." I hear a man say that sounds like he's in his thirties. "That'll be one dollar and fifty cents." Jenny says and I can hear the smile in her voice. I make the coffee the man ordered by the time Jenny gives him his reciept and set it on the counter right by him. "Thank you sir, have a nice day and enjoy your coffee!" I say with a smile. The man nods to me and walks away with his coffee, sitting down at a table in the corner.

I lean back on the counter and look at the time seeing I still have a few hours left of my shift. "So there's this party tonight at my friend's house," Jenny says, causing me to look up at her,"and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me? Not like a date or anything, but just to come along as a friend and maybe we could get to know each other a little better." I'm not a big party person, but thinking about it I haven't been doing anything lately and I don't really wanna spend Friday night at home, alone, so instead of saying no I say,"Yea sure, it'd be fun." Jenny smiles and says, "Cool. It's at ten. I'll text you the address?" "Yea sure." I say.


I check to make sure I grabbed my phone as I pull out of my driveway. I've been rethinking going to the party, so I texted Abby to see if she wanted to catch a movie or something but she never replied. So instead of staying home and worrying about her, I just left before I could change my mind. Now I'm about to pull up to the address Jenny gave me and I can see all of the cars and the people crowding the lawn. The house is huge, two stories at least, and is a light shade of blue.

After driving up the street a little more I found a parking spot and now I'm walking into the house. The house smells like beer and pot, and there's loud music blaring throughout the whole house that I'm sure the neighborhood can hear, especially since I've heard I since I parked down the street. I don't see Jenny yet, but I walk down a hallway that leads to a kitchen and I look over and see Jenny leaning against a counter next to a girl with green hair and a dude with black hair. I notice they're passing around a blunt and then Jenny looks up and spots me.

"Luke! Hey man. Did you just get here?" I could tell she's been drinking and smoking by the way her eyes are droopy and red. "Hey Jenny." I smile at her. She motions me over to her and her friends and offers me a hit off of their blunt. "No thanks." I turn her away politely, I'm not really a smoker anyway. "Okay, but at least have a drink, oh and these are my friends Lilly and Michael," she nods to the the people I saw her standing with. I smile at them and shake their hands,"My name's Luke nice to meet ya." I say with a small smile. "So what do you want to drink? You want a beer? Or stronger? I have stronger." Jenny says it all kind of fast and weirdly. "Um I'll just have a beer thanks. I drove here." She nods and gets me a beer out of an ice chest on the floor. "Hey bro I'm about to roll up another one, just smoke with us you should be cool by the time you go home." Says the black haired guy who Jenny called Michael.

I rarely smoke but I've been a little down lately so I just said fuck it. After smoking the blunt I feel a little light headed which is unusual. Normally I get a good little high but right now I feel horrible. "I think I am gonna go home now." I tell Jenny. "Aww why Luke we're having so much fun." Jenny says and appears to be walking toward me but I can't really tell because my vision starts to blur.

Well I haven't updated this story in like two years but I think it has potential so I want to pick up where I left off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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