Chapter 2: It's a Secret

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(  So I know the last chapter was kinda boring because I was trying to introduce the story but I promise it's gonna start getting more intersting. Thanks for reading please vote. Thanks!(:  )

Luke's P.O.V.

   Abby giggles at me because I was startled by the doorbell and I shoot her a some what angry but playful glare as she leaves our cosy spot on the couch to get the door. She opens the door and greets a guy our age with big muscles that looks about 5'11 and I begin to recognize his familiar face from somewhere. Where? I don't know. Abby closes the door behind him and he pushes her into the door, grabbing her waist. My stomach drops when they start making out. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Abby's P.O.V

    I hear a cough noise come from Luke and thankfully Troy pulls away from my lips and begins to walk over to the couch to sit down opposite from Luke. I had mentioned to Troy Luke was coming over and I don't know why he just came over without telling me. I like Troy but I feel really uncomfortable and guilty for kissing him in front of Luke because that's rude and... I don't care for Troy like I should. I walk over to the couch and sit between the two men already occupying it. Troy puts on arm over my shoulder and Luke looks uncomfortable. "Babe aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" Troy asks with a smirk on his face. "Oh um yea." I say. "Luke this is Troy, Troy this is Luke." I gesture back and forth between the two.

    "Hi I'm Luke." Luke quietly says waving. "Troy. Nice to meet you finally." Troy says forcefully shaking Luke's hand. Luke nods. I do not know why this is so awkward and unsettling. It's just my best friend and my boyfriend. I'm pulled away from my thoughts by Luke's voice,"Well maybe I should go and give you guys sometime alone." he says. I don't want him to leave. "Please no. Stay?" I almost beg him. "Well I don't want to intrude. It's fine really." He says.

      Great job Abby!I silently curse myself. " Okay let me walk you out then.." I say to Luke. He nods and we both get up and walk out to the porch. I don't want him to go. I want him to stay. I'd chose him over Troy any day but I can't. I want to have him in my life forever and if I tell him how I feel I could lose him. So I just have to find someone else. I have to pretend to like Troy.

     I hug Luke and there it goes again those damn butterflies I get every time we touch. I think I hear him mumble a good night in my long bleach blonde hair. He pulls away from me and smiles and I do to. As I watch him walk away I feel my heart breaking because I know a guy like Luke would probably never love me back. I'm surprised he's even dealt with me for all these years. After all of my depression that came with my mums death, the cutting, the achohol, the bullies, if it wasn't for him I'd probably be dead! I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Troy staring at me. "Come inside." he says. I follow him inside and upstairs to my bedroom.

Luke's P.O.V

     If only she knew how I feel about her, how it killed me to see her with another man. Out of everybody in Abby's life I'm probably the most stable person. Her mum died in a fire when we were thirteen, and her dad couldn't stay out of a bar since. At school the kids would call her fat, ugly, stupid, worthless, they told her it may be good just to end her life. I was her only friend, and eventually she was mine. All those kids were stupid and wrong. Abby's beautiful, funny, charming, and amazing. In high school things got better. Abby had a lot of friends. I'm sort of more on the shy side but I still had my little group of friends. Out of everybody I only talk to my friend Jake. Everyone else I lost touch with after graduation. I turn on the radio and a familiar song by the Fray is playing. God I love this song. I begin to sing along loudly in my small car with only me inside.

"Everyone knows I'm in over my head, over my head, with eight seconds left in over time she's on your mind, she's on your mind."

     As I pull into the driveway of my house I turn the key in the ignition and get of my car. As I'm walking up the steps to the door I click the lock button reassuring my black Mustang is locked and secured. I worked five summers to save up for that car. I unlock the front door and quietly enter my house not wishing to alert any of my family I'm home, only wanting to go to my room and stare at the ceiling until I fall into a sleep filled with dreams of a beautiful blonde green eyed girl. Unfortunatley my dreams have to wait. Before I can make it to the hallway my mother stops me. "Hi son. How was your visit at Abby's?" She asks hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. "Good mum. I was just going to bed I'm tired." She gives me a concerned look. "Oh okay." She says. "Are you hungry?" "No thanks." I say smiling and continuing to my room.

   When I get in my room I empty out my pockets setting my keys, gum, phone, and chapstick on my bedside table. I undress leaving myself in only boxers. Since it's really hot I just get in bed and cover my head with the blanket. I'm about to drift into a deep sleep when I hear my phone vibrating loudly on my table. Debating with myself whether to answer it or not, I decide against it. When it stops vibrating it starts again. I quickly lift my blanket over my head and grab my phone and click the green button without checking who it is. "Hello?" I question in a sleepy voice. "Luke it's Abby." I hear a sobbing Abby on the other end.

(This time I tried to make it more suspenseful hehe. I'll update the next chapter tomorrow! Thanks for reading again it means a lot.xx )

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