Chapter 4: Good Bad Dreams

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(Note: I listened to Beside You while writing this so maybe you should listen to it too.. If you want lol just a suggestion. Maybe I'll start putting in a song of the chapter everytime! (:  )

Abby's P.O.V

       I wake up in Luke's bed, Luke next to me his arms wrapped around my waist. I go over the events of last night and remember what happened with my dad. I know Luke is going to ask me to explain to him every detail of the events of last night and I need to prepare the words in my head of what I'm going to say. Wait. Me and Luke are laying together? I know Luke would never take advantage of me in anyway, and no matter how much I like this, something is not right by the way we're cuddling.

      I turn over and tap Luke on the shoulder a few times until his eyes open. He smiles at me and I reciprocate his action. Then he leans in and starts kissing me. "Luke." I say into the kiss. He still doesn't stop. No matter how long I've been waiting for this exact moment since sixth grade when I realized I loved Luke I still need to know what the fuck is going on. I push him away and he doesn't look fazed or even worried that I pushed him away. "Luke why did you kiss me? " I ask him. "Why were we lying together like a couple? What's going on?" I finally finish. "Abby I love you. I need you." He says in a low voice that doesn't even sound like himself.

       He loves me? My heart jumps at the thought and my stomach does flips. Luke doesn't say anything more, but he gets on top of me and pins my wrists on both sides of my head with his hands. He starts kissing down my chest and moaning. No matter how much I love Luke we are moving way too fast and this just isn't Luke. I realized my eyes where shut when I open them and am surprise to see my father. I freak out in a panic and start screaming. "Stop!!" I yell and he begins to choke me and I can barely breathe.

Luke's P.O.V

         I wake up with a throbbing pain in my neck soon remembering I'm on the couch. I glance at the modern clock on the wall that my mother had placed there trying to make our house more ' fresh ' and see that it's five thirty in the morning so I try and close my eyes again when I hear a yell come from down the hall. What the hell is that? I get up off the couch and rush to the hall to discover the noise has came from my room and I run in there to check on Abby.

     I open the bedroom door to find a still unconscious Abby mumbling in her sleep saying,"Please stop." and "No, not again." There's sweat covering her whole body and the comforter is thrown to the floor. I act quickly and rush over to Abby and attempt to wake her up. Her hands are now wrapped around her neck and she looks like somebody is choking her. I take her hands away from her neck and touch her face. "Abby wake up. You're dreaming." I say. Her movements cease and her eyes slowly open. She swiftly sits up from the bed and frantically looks around the room. Her breathing slows a little at the knowledge we're the only people in the room, I think. She slowly lays back down on the bed and relaxes her muscles. We both lock eyes and she knows what's coming. "What was in your dream that scared you so much?" I quietly ask her. "My dad. He was on top of me. He started choking me and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I thought he was really here." She confirms my assumtions. I push back a stray piece of her hair behind her ear. "Don't worry your dad isn't here. He's never gonna hurt you again." I tell her and she slowly nods. "Good. Now go back to sleep it's five in the morning." I tell her. She nods and I move toward the door to head back to the couch. "Where are you going?" Abby asks. "Back to the couch." I say nodding my head toward the door. "You slept on the couch? Luke just lay here with me." She pats the bed next to her. Hell why it's not like we're going to do anything. I don't respond I just walk over and pick up the blankets off the ground and lay them on top of Abby. "Move over." I playfully grin at her and slide into the bed. We both lay in the bed staring at the ceiling inches away from each other. So close but so far away. I'm right beside her but I feel like we're miles away. She has no idea of the deep secret I've been hiding from her since we were six and that little saying that my mom always tells me plays in the back of my mind, 'the truth always comes out' and I keep telling myself that's impossible because I haven't told anyone. The only way Abby could find out is if I tell her. I can't though. No matter how much I deny it I know the truth is I just want to cuddle her and kiss her and tell her how beautiful she is, but most of all that I love her more than life itself but I can't. I can touch her, but I can't feel her. She is so close to me but her heart is so far away, so out of reach. What if I did tell her how I truly feel? I'd tell her she's the only one for me. My first and final love, I've never loved anyone or anything like I loved her and I probably never will and I am just letting her go. The main reason I don't go after that girl is because of our friendship, yes. But what if I pour my heart out, give it to her on a silver platter along with a loaded gun to kill me if she doesn't want my heart, and she just sets the gun down and walks away leaving me here with my heart that I just ripped out to give to her that only she can heal.

         Live without her.

Those three words are my biggest most worst nightmare and I'm afraid that I may be realizing to soon, that that's just one thing I can't do.

One moment I can see that she feels it too but then I realize I could be lying to myself. This is what she does to me. All I can think about is her. I think about her all day, everyday, she's in my dreams. I think, breathe, feel, live Abby. I've sunk so deep down in this ocean of love I have for her that I can't tell the truth from a lie. On the outside I just pretend like it's all okay and I just see her as the best friend she thinks I always have. I'm drowning and the only thing, person, that can save me is Abby. She's my cure.

(Hey! So this chapter is kinda lovey dovey and I know my chapters have been short but that's only because I haven't given myself much time to right them so I'm not going to update  for a bit that way the chapter will be longer. Thanks for reading I hope you liked it! Please vote. Thanks again. xx)

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