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Cinni wandered into his classroom looking for a seat in the back.

He found one next to a girl whom seemed to be talking to herself quite animatedly.

"Hello, are you alright?" Cinni asked the lone girl.

"Yeah just a bit nervous is all being the new kid."

The girl wrung her hands and refused to make eye contact.

"You're new? Me too."

The girl looked up with both eyebrows raised high into her bangs.

"Really? That's an odd coincidence."

"Yeah, but hey at least we aren't alone in this."

Cinno gave the girl a reassuring smile.

"True, I'm Zelda Rivers."

"Cinnamon Night, Call me Cinni."

"Cinnamon like the spice?"

Zelda questioned wearing a confused look on her face.

Cinni rolled his eyes, now used to this reaction from people when told his real name.

"Yes, my family's obsessed with it everything is cinnamon at my house."

Both laughed at the story of Cinni's name.

"I was named after a character in a book."

"Your name would sound great for an elfin princess."

"Thanks Cinni."

"Welcome Rivers."


Gyspy was walking out of her first job at the garage, making her way to Boris' Pub a family establishment in town.

"Ugh another day of men telling me girls can't fix cars they belong in the kitchen. Bastards, guess they forgot about who it was buolding their machinery while they fought the wars."

She ranted on her journey til she hit the huge iron door she knew so well.

"Hey Fox you're late."

A big burly aging man said from behind the bar.

He always wore a hard expression on his face.

"Sorry Boris the shop kept me back."

His expression softened as her took in Gypsy's appearence.

"It's alright Fox just come out when your dressed we've got a huge party out there. We are short on staff tonight, Mary called off cause she's in labor."

Gypsy's eyes widened at the thought of Mary giving birth.

"Oh dear, I hope she's alright and I'll be out soon."

"Okay Fox."

Gypsy cleaned up a bit in the bathroom making sure to get all the grease off before serving anyone.

She tied her hair up out of her face afterwards, fastened the apron around her waist and made her way towards the bar to start her job.

Boris wasn't kidding this place is packed.

Great the vultures are already swarming my station.

Well here goes nothing just smile and take their orders you can do this!

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