~Older regretful days~

162 3 14

No ones p.o.v.

{memo: 2012!dan 2016!phil...}

{also, kinda heavy on the language and references from a.. certain video so....:/}

Friendly arguments.

First it was the friendly arguments. Dan and Phil have been best friends for a couple years now, living together in their new Manchester apartment. Dan saw that his brother was starting to get harassed on the Internet, and that wasn't okay. Dan and Phil would start to argue a bit over stupid things they weren't even mad at each other about. They would fight, apologize, repeat. Dan was still trying to get everyone to stop harassing Adrien, but nobody would stop, which led to Dan and Phil's friendly arguing, to different circumstances.


Then it changed to real arguments. Dan would start arguing to Phil about, now, the most stupid and random things. Phil tried to calm Dan down, but it never worked. All Dan did was get more made at Phil then anything else. One time, Dan arrived home at the flat red faced at sad. Phil rushed over to his side to help him. Phil started rubbing soothing patterns into Dan's back as he just sobbed his heart out onto his shoulder. Phil didn't even try to ask what was wrong. Just didn't seem as if it was the time, so he waited. And waited. And waited. Then never asked. The next morning, Dan awoke in Phil's bed, cuddled up beside him. He freaked out and awoke Phil by arguing with him. He started asking in a hurtful tone why he was sleeping with him. Phil's answer was always the same. "Because you needed comfort. You needed me at the moment Dan." Dan would always rage off and go to his own room. Then one day, it changed once more.


The yelling got worse and worse. After the arguments, Dan would start to yell at Phil, yelling hurtful and rude things at him, yet Phil still tried to calm him down. Dan would come home angry already, then start yelling swears loudly at him. He would yell things like, "You stupid shit! Why the hell are you even here still!?!?" "Go the fuck away!" And "You ruined everything because of your stupid fucking love video!!" Phil tried to block out his hurtful words, but soon those words were often used. Phil knew exactly what Dan was talking about every time. Yes, he made a video in 2009, but it was accidentally released. He quickly got it down, so why would Dan still be yelling at him about it if it was years ago? Phil would calm him down enough to where he just broke. He would start sobbing and yelling at him, Phil getting even more confused at what he did. Phil would go over to him, asking what's wrong, but then instead of getting hurtful swear words, he got hit.


Then there was hitting. Phil would try and help, and get either a hard slap in the face, or punched somewhere. Phil covered up his pain, still wondering how he did. Phil would start to give in a bit as Dan would yell things like, "Go fucking kill yourself faggot!" "Why do you think it's okay to still be that close to me during videos!?!" And the ever so used one, "Why are you still here!? Go!" Dan would knock Phil out, then go out to a bar and drink away his pain. Once he would return home, bottle in hand, he'd see Phil awake from getting knocked out, then he would throw the bottle at Phil, getting glass around where he was. Phil would always end up with tears streaming freely down his face, not caring if Dan saw. Phil knew his brother was going through some harassment, but he still shouldn't blame it on Phil. Once he was done hitting him, he would go off to bed. Phil would steadily stand up, then get to picking up the apartment once more. He would quickly get all the broken glass and throw it in the bin. He would go to the bathroom after that, get a plaster, put it on his face and hands, then head off to bed himself. During the night, Dan would hear quiet sobs through the thin walls their apartment held. Phil would try and keep it down so he would get even more hurt, and most of the time succeed, but other times, he didn't. He was just about done with Dan, and he wanted to make sure he knew it. One morning, Phil went up to Dan and slapped him, hard. "I'm done Dan! I'm done with you hurting me often! I don't want to live this life anymore, so you can have the apartment for yourself until you get your shit together." Phil told him, glaring, then walking out the door and slamming it. Dan saw he had his backpack on, probably full with things he'd need. Dan was stunned. He didnt know Phil would actually leave him, nor swear. Dan was just sitting at their-or now his dinning room table, sobbing his eyes out once he realized. But soon, his realization left him, and he started blaming Phil again.


Now it's present time, and Dan and Phil live in London. Phil has changed quit a lot. He's now 29, turning 30 in January. His hair is shorter and he now has 3,000,000 subscribers, maybe 4,000,000 soon. Dan hasn't changed one bit. He is 21 and still has his longer hair. Not as long as when it was to his shoulders, but where's it's a bit past the ears. He still looks young, and that's because he still is. It's still 2012 Dan, and that's what Phil really regretted. They have already finished their entire tour, and when they got back, Phil was left with 2012 Dan. Right now, Dan is trying to blame Phil for more things then you could imagine. "You always mess up! You messed up our first performance, and our last! You fucking idiot! Shouldn't you remember how to do your fucking act!?" Dan yelled, throwing something at Phil, making Phil duck so it went over his head. "Dan, I didn't even mess up our last performance, stop! I didn't do anything!" Phil yelled back, walking closer to Dan. "Yes you did, you made Adrian ge-" "No I didn't Dan! He got harassed himself, not from me! That was from years ago, drop it!" Phil interrupted, making Dan glare daggers. Dan picked up the closest thing and threw it at Phil, which hit him forcefully. Phil winced in pain, then glared right back at Dan. "It happened Phil! It's all your fault! If it wasn't for your fucking Valentine's Day vide-" "Oh shut up Dan! I apologized so many times over the years, you know this! You told me you didn't care anymore! My boyfriend didn't care! Where's my 2016 Dan, not this homophobic prick who thinks he can just harass me all the time!" Dan was now beyond mad, trying to hurt Phil once more, throwing punches his way, but luckily for Phil, he dodged them, grabbing his fists together and held them in the air. "Get off of me!" Dan yelled, making Phil just laugh darkly. "No! Dan, I didn't do anything to you. At. All. Dan please stop this! Please. I can't have this anymore." Phil cried out, tears brimming his eyes, ready to spill. Dan's anger in his eyes became worry for the poor, beaten boy in front of him. Phil's short fringe still fell into his eyes, yet you could still see the blackness already fading around them. Scratches and bruises lined his jaw and exposed arms. Phil's distressed face made Dan feel sympathy for him, yet it faded away. "It's your fault Phil." Dan stated, the anger returning. "Dan please! Stop! I miss you so much! This new you! The one I'v grown to love e-even more then you could I-imagine! The one I'v seen grow up from over the years, not the one that's stuck in my mind forever and i only saw grow up to here." Phil told him, sobs now racking his fragile body. Phil's grip loosened on his fists, then he just let go. He pulled his hands up to his eyes and vigorously wiped them, trying to see out of them, even though they were very blurry. "T-this is the same Dan! What are you talking about?!" Dan yelled out, yet his voice was somehow soft. "You know t-this isn't you. Dan, r-remember our t-tour? You said you wanted t-to remember it, so we made memory's. We m-made a book. Do you remember past t-then? You said that if we e-ever died, you wanted people to still remember us somehow. So we m-made a entire years worth of thoughts, then t-turned it into a tatinof. Our first book. Remember when you said you w-wanted us to make a tour so people could a-also remember us that way? We decided we would, and we did. Remember when n-neither of us wanted to remember 2012? Well, I'm r-remembering. And I regret it." Phil spoke out, voice filled with hurt. Tears started to stream down Dan's face as his present self was coming back. Though he remembered those things, it wasn't enough. "Do you r-remember when we first met? I w-was clawing at you and biting you, but that w-was just because I really liked you. O-over the years, it turned into love. Remember when we went onto the Manchester eye? We kissed, and I c-couldn't be more happy." Phil told Dan, tears going down both their faces, neither stopping. Dan looked down and started to remember, asking himself why he changed into his old self. "I miss you Dan." Phil whispered, making Dan look up at him once more, then he could feel he was changing. His hair changed, his age went back to normal, and he looked different. He looked back up at Phil, then attacked him into a huge embrace. "I-I'm so sorry Phil. I can't even tell you how much I love you and how much I care about you." Dan whispered to Phil, crying into Phil's hair a bit, since he was taller after all. "Dan, please. Don't ever go back. I can't go through that again. Though, I still love you." Phil whispered back to Dan, and then Dan pulled Phil into his room. Older Dan made them have separate rooms. Dan took him into his room, and lied him on his bed along with him. Dan curled up onto Phil's chest, hugging him tightly, scared as if he'd let go, then Phil would disappear. "Why are you doing this Dan?" Phil asked quietly, a small giggle escaped his mouth, making Dan sigh happily by that sound. "Because you needed comfort. You needed me at the moment Phil."

{hooii! How was that tho?? Kinda okay maybe, not sure. But yeah! Maybe it's okay..? I know it's weird and different, but go WiTh Me hErE! Thank. Anyways, g-day or night, depending on where you live!}

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