her story's beginning.

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Alice sighed, slumping into her beanbag on the floor of her room. She was pretty sure her day couldn't get any more shitty. She'd begun the day with a surprise math quiz, then she'd had to comfort her friend who'd overreacted about a bug in her locker. Then to top it all off she happened to get her period in the middle of English.

Her dad wasn't going to get home anytime soon, he was busy at work. Alice clicked on the telly and pulled her laptop out of her bag to finish writing an essay. The tv was on the news channel so that she wouldn't be distracted.

Alice began to type her conclusion when something on the T.V peaked her interest.

"A group of adult men and women have been taken hostage in the city and will be returned for a ransom of 50 000 dollars. Police are showing up to the time scene to the action, hopefully without any casualties."

Alice looked up. Her dad was a police officer in that area. She wondered if he could be there, and hoped he was okay.

Alice, Dear.Where stories live. Discover now