vi. Magnus

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Yes, I know I haven't updated in two months. If you can't tell, I'm quite awful at keeping my life under control. So, in an attempt to make it up, here's an extra long chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it. :)

vi. Magnus

Now, trust me on this, going on a date with a guy who exploded every single time someone brought up being gay way definitely not what I would consider an enjoyable evening. But something about Alec kept pulling me in closer, and although I hated to admit it, he had some type of spell on me. I couldn't seem to get him out of my head.

It had been a long time since I had felt like that about anybody.

So, at 7:30 sharp, I began making my way out of my house. I decided that I would walk, it was only about a twenty-minute walk to Alec's building and I could use the extra ten minutes to pick us up some coffee. I could tell Alec was a plain black coffee kind of guy. Myself, though, I preferred pumpkin spice. Typical white girl, I know.

I took one last look in the mirror before walking out the door. My hair was perfectly spiked up, and my signature look of messy eyeliner and glitter was as great as usual. My outfit consisted of tight leather pants, bright purple boots, a sparkly black tee shirt and a large, bright blue scarf. I tried to keep it casual. Well, casual for me, anyways.

About twenty minutes later, right on time, I arrived at the coffee shop. The line was short, just as I expected. As I made my way up to the front, I placed my order. A short, red-headed woman looked at me, an odd look on her face.

She nodded as I told her my order. "You're Alec's friend, right? I apologize if I'm wrong."

"I suppose we're friends," I told her. I pointedly looked towards the coffee machines. "They aren't going to brew themselves, sweetheart."

She chuckled and began working again. "I'm Clary, in case you didn't know. What's your name again?"

"Magnus Bane," I told her. Alec hated this girl with a passion. She seemed sweet, though. The blame could be placed on Alec's crush, Jace's relationship with her.

She finished one coffee- Alec's- and leaned on the counter. "Can I ask you something? Please don't be offended."

I shrugged. "Are you going to ask me something offensive?"

Clary sighed. "Are you and Alec... well, are you two an item?"

I laughed. "Would that be a problem?"

Rapidly shaking her head, she responded, "Not at all. I saw you guys together at the club, outside. It seemed like you guys had a chemistry. Alec's definitely not open about it, but he doesn't hide it very well. None of his friends would care at all. I think he's mainly worried about his parents. At least, that's what Jace has told me."

It seemed to make a bit more sense now. It was the classic case of old-minded parents who didn't accept their kids. I felt a pang in my heart for him. No one should have to endure that.

"Just... don't say anything to anyone, okay?" I raised my eyebrow as she nodded. "Not even Jace."

"Alright, Magnus." She handed me my other coffee. "Have a good night," she smiled and gave me a quick wave.

"Thank you, Clary." I left a few dollars in the tip jar and started making my way towards the apartment building. I entered from the side and started making my way up the stairs. Alec's room was only one floor up, which was a good thing because I was not about to climb twenty flights of stairs. I made a mental note to myself to start thinking about adding elevators.

I knocked on the door. "Coming!" A voice called from inside, though it wasn't Alec's. A very sweaty Jace opened the door shirtless. I could definitely see what Alec saw in him. Blondes weren't my type, sadly.

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