[11] Cinnamon

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[11] Cinnamon

After taking a shower Massie dressed in the comfortable attire of long pajama pants and a tank top. The moment she came home she informed her mom of the babysitting job she was taking up tomorrow. As expected, her mother shrugged and said, 'sure'.

Massie loved the trust her mother gave her, and really, she had no reason not to. She was 18 and still a virgin (which based on certain schools she's been to is a humongous feat). She's never taken drugs, and although she had a little love for alcohol, she never got so drunk she made of fool of herself. Most of the bad reports she received were from school, and none because she was failing. Only the usual "overly talkative" and "disruptive behavior". But Massie always convinced her mom it was their way of saying she actively participated.

After putting on some comfortable shoes, Massie silently descended the stairs and snuck out through the back door near the kitchen. Once outside she smiled, giddy with excitement. She was planning on going to the park again in hopes of seeing Cinnamon.

As before, the streets were eerily quiet and solitary, completely different from any previous town she'd been to, where there were always cars driving regardless of it being the middle of the night. When she reached the park she immediately saw his large figure, laying at the very edge of the park only a few steps from the forest. Upon seeing her near Cinnamon stood tall and powerful on his four hinds, his amber eyes watching..

"Miss me?" she asked, laying beside him. He stared at her. "Mmhmm, I thought as much." When he remained standing Massie pat his side. "Sit down, you're blocking the view of the moon." The wolf silently complied and snuggled near her form, bringing a comforting warmth.

Massie smiled, "Guess what? I got a job at the famous Dark Falls diner. Every girl in school is impressed. . . and crazy jealous seeing as all the hot guys in school work there, including my crush." The wolf barked, as if asking 'who?'.

"Sebastian. You have to see him Cin, he's tall, handsome, and big, just my type." The wolf made the same comical noise he had last time she'd come and busted her ass on the ground, which sounded suspiciously akin to laughter. Massie cupped her hands around his snout, forcing him to face her. Her eyes narrowed "That's not funny!"

Cinnamon bared his teeth, releasing her hold. Giving up she opted to examine his canines. "These are some big papas," she murmured. Skimming her index finger past the top row. She could only imagine the damage his teeth could do.

The thought of Cinnamon being part human crossed her mind as her fingers finished inspecting. She's been spending time with a wild animal who has had countless opportunities to harm her, and yet here she was, alive and well with no bites, scratches or scars. Her eyes locked with his as the idea ran through her head, and to be quite honest, she didn't think it was too unrealistic.

Cinnamon put his head on her chest. She caressed his fur, feeling the thick, dry texture. "Someone needs to use conditioner." He gave an annoyed growl; she only laughed. "I have bad news—well, for you anyway. I won't be coming tomorrow, I'm gonna babysit Hailey." After not getting a satisfactory reaction from him Massie huffed. "Oh, so now you're gonna pretend you don't care? Everyone misses me if they don't get a taste of me daily. It's no coincidence I'm the only girl Hailey finds favorable. I'm a naturally lovable person."

Cinnamon yawned and blinked at her, as if to say really? "Trust me, you'll definitely shed a tear at my absence." Feeling it was getting too late Massie stood and wiped the dirt off her pajama pants. "I need to get my beauty sleep before I see Sebastian tomorrow, bye Cinnamon." She gave him a farewell kiss and turned to leave, but not before hearing a surprised yelp.

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