[37] Winter Wonderland

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I want to thank @aliana_roman for making me that banner ! ❤️ ^^ ^

[37] Winter Wonderland

Massie watched the two of them from a distance. They moved so gracefully, dancing in synch to the waltz flowing through the speakers. A familiar feeling of jealousy slithered through her stomach, making her feel nauseous. She downed the drink in her hand in one go, forcing the feeling to more numbness.

Whoever spiked the fruit punch needed to be applauded. Despite the winter dance being free of alcohol, it seemed students had other things in mind and Massie couldn't be more grateful.

Keisha leaned in closer to Sebastian, as though their distance weren't close already. Must be nice. Her hand reached for the half-filled glass near her empty one. A large hand revoked it from her reach before she could attain it. Massie pouted, leveling her eyes with the buff man beside her.

"No, don't give me those puppy eyes." Noah said. "You've already had four and I can smell the effect it's going to have on you if you drink more."  

It was funny. Both of them had dates but they were no where to be found. It was probably their own fault. Massie hadn't felt like dancing and Jordan was too much of a catch to be forced to sit next to her. And while Noah too had a date, it seemed she found solace in a more happy human.

Meanwhile, the two of them could only stare at the dancing couple. At least she wasn't the only one in jealousy. Noah probably wanted to be with Keisha at the moment as much as she wanted to be with Sebastian.

Massie sighed, why was life so unfair? Just when she felt she had made progress it all tumbled to the floor in a heap of disaster. Upon returning from Everglades, Massie thought things would go back to normal between her and Sebastian. Get better at the very least. Instead, things spiraled downwards and she wasn't sure why.

For a week straight after their return he completely ignored her. If she initiated conversation, his responses would be one-worded answers. He side-stepped her hugs and avoided her kisses. Once, when he did it in public it embarrassed her enough that she vowed to not do it again until he stopped being mad at her.

To top it off, he delegated his previous task of picking her up after school to Jordan. He was the one who drove her to the Cult's estate and back home for the week straight. You would think in his own home he would open up a bit, but that couldn't be more contrary. Instead, it became easier to avoid her and disappear in his room.

With this new attitude of his, she was afraid of even approaching that door. He would probably bite her ass for real. Not to mention, if she had no success speaking to him anywhere else, his room would be worse. Not only would he not let her in, but he would probably close the door in her face. Now, it was the Winter Wonderland dance and she wasn't sure how much more rejection she could take.

It was taking her toll on herself esteem. Did he not want her now? Was her mistake that horrible? When she thought about this, her body filled with frustration. He was being so unfair. With the way he acted it were as though she committed a heinous crime.

Noticing Noah's distraction as Keisha laughed at something Sebastian apparently said (he never makes jokes so that was probably totally fake) she snipped the glass right under him and downed it before he could take it away. Wow. Now she was really starting to feel good.

"Massie!" Noah scolded, pulling the glass away despite it now being empty.

"I'm depressed honeybear! This alcohol has helped me with my sorrows." She defended. Truly, it hadn't. It just numbed the feeling down until it was bearable.

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