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Chapter dedicated to tailorgang, who as she said, Keisha was dealt with hahaha (though knowing you, you would have wanted something more brutal :') LOL )

Wolf Chase [28]

The muffled grunts of men as they did another taxing workout floated to the living room, where Massie dutifully worked on her social studies assignment. It was an eight-page essay about whoever she thought to be the most influential women's voice in the 1800s, three references required. The essay wasn't due until next week, but Massie was no procrastinator when it came to school work. She preferred to get things out of the way and enjoy her free time.

From her peripheral view she detected a female figure enter her study place. Massie immediately knew who it was, and decidedly continued to type away on Sebastian's laptop. He allowed her to borrow it after overhearing her continuous complaints about a cramped wrist and tired fingers. She had been exaggerating of course—as was her nature—but she was thankful nonetheless.

At first, the figure merely breezed past her, and Massie almost sighed in relief until she saw her enter again. This time, more leisurely and with a sense of purpose.

"Massie, I want to speak to you."

"You don't say." Massie failed to keep the sarcasm from her voice, but she at least managed to not roll her eyes.

Keisha bristled, but reigned it in just as quickly. Massie clucked her tongue and lifted a brow. Whoa, she actually had self-control. Where did this new restraint come from? "I don't want to talk to you any more than you want to hear me, but I must complete my pack's orders, and one of them is to apologize to you." She admitted. Keisha scrunched her nose in distaste, as though being around Massie were equivalent to smelling a foul, offending odor.

Massie yawned. Great, now she had to go through fake pleasantries with the girl who tried to chop her head off. She would have been quite content in continuing the ignore-me-and-I-ignore-you game they've been playing, but if the pack ordered Keisha to apologize she might as well let her. If she didn't, she'd be sure to hear it from Sebastian later.

"Sure. Go right on ahead." Massie waved dismissively, ready to get this over with.

Keisha cleared her throat before beginning what appeared to be a well-practiced speech. "We of the Dark Falls pack are a people of peace, righteousness, and self-control. We do not harm innocent lives, nor pose a threat to any human. We protect those in our power to do so, and most importantly we protect our people..." She clenched her fists, almost as if it took her great effort to say the remaining line. "I'm sorry for assaulting you that other day." Keisha's voice had remained monotonous throughout the whole speech, but at the last part it was more resentful. Massie pictured her rehearsing the whole thing in a mirror.

Wow. Well that was a mouth-full. Was this suppose to be their motto or something? She'd certainly never heard it before.

Nonetheless Massie nodded in acknowledgement and said what was expected of her. "I forgive you."

Keisha balked. "That's it?"

Massie looked around her, as though searching for something. "Um, am I suppose to say anything in specific? No one gave me the script for the protocol. And if there is one I can't find it." She said, checking beneath her textbook.

"You're suppose to raise your hand with your palm up as a sign of acceptance. Then I touch your hand with mine and it is forgiven. Don't you know anything?" She said derisively.

"Actually, no. I don't know anything. Have you forgotten I'm human, I don't know your customs."

Massie looked at her palm. There were so many things about them she had yet to learn, and it felt like everyday she was learning about their ways and how they did things. Perhaps she should be more proactive about reading that book in her room. She had only read a page of it, but she would be dedicating more time to be in the loop.

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