[42] Friends Only

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Watch out, tons of fluff ahead. Short and sweet. Please vote <3

[42] Friends Only

The room was one Massie had never seen before. A variety of books lined the four walls from corner to corner, it was impossible to count the number hardcovers she saw. Even from a distance she could tell they were old and exquisite. A curious finger trailed down one of the bindings nearest to her. It was just as she thought. Their old age did not destroy their quality, as the books were amazingly sturdy. 

Two small comfortable couches curved around a blazing fire place, the perfect cozy spot to cuddle and read a book. She would have labeled it as a library except it contained a handful of features that deemed it a type of office. A large mahogany desk stood at the far opposite side. Positioned on top was a large, silver computer screen with a matching wireless keyboard and mouse. A set of intimidating files perched at the very edge, almost as if the person who sat there dreaded the idea of doing them, but knew to keep it close.

"This is my father's study." Sebastian said, answering the question in her eyes. "One day when I become alpha it will be mine. This place will offer us the privacy we need."

Massie followed him as he guided them closer to the fireplace. "What did you want to talk about?"

As they halted in front of the couches, she noticed he was frowning. "When you mention you let that blood-sucker bite you, there was no mention of him pursuing you. Are you allowing his advances?"

Massie pursed her lips. She recognized he was upset about her relationship with Theo. "He is only my friend. I'm not seeking anything deeper with him."

Her response did not seem to quell his stiffness of his shoulders. "Let me pursue you." He said, his features taut with determination. He looked like a man with a mission, one he was unwilling to back off from no matter what dangers faced him ahead.

Massie's eyes widened. "What? No! Why on earth would you do that?!" He was the one who pushed her away. He should let her to heal her wounds and get over him in peace. The other side of her heart, the hopeful one, heard this with tearful expectations.

Sebastian looked down and whispered a response, but it was too low for her ears to catch.

"Why?" She repeated, this time more softly.

"Because I miss you." His voice was thick with emotion.

She couldn't believe this. Why was he doing this to her? Her heart... it could only take so much. "You miss what?" She asked, somewhat doubtful.

His deep eyes poured into her, heavy with fondness. They held a reminiscent edge, almost as though he were replaying memories from his heart. "Everything."

He gently took hold of her arms and laced them around his shoulders, bringing them close together. "I miss your hugs." His fingers then combed through her hair, softly, as though they were made of the finest threads. The gesture made her release a gentle sigh. "I miss how you played with my hair." He kissed her forehead, then her temple...her cheek, the corner of her lips. "I miss your kisses." He squeezed her tightly. "I miss the way you used to hold on me, like you depended on me. Like you trusted me."

Massie looked down. "Sebastian, listen..."

He caressed her cheek, frowning deeply. "You never used to call me that..." his voice trailed off to a saddened end.

He was right. Before, he was her Sebby. Nowadays she purposely addressed him through his full name.

As she didn't know what to say, Sebastian continued, connecting his forehead with hers. "I miss your declarations of us getting married. That I would be your wereman. Your ownership of me is something I did not properly treasure. Please Massie, let me pursue you."

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