Chapter 8: Reunited

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Brianna's POV

"Stop fighting NOW!" They got away from each other quickly and backed away. "Hurt each other again I swear the god I will hurt you so bad you will wish you were never born!" They looked in with me in fear in their eyes, wow this confidence feels good. "Louis get up and get in the car! You too Justin,Makenzie, and Avi. I will take care of Alex." Louis and Alex ran out of the house screaming, but Makenzie and Avi just stood there. "Bri-" "OUT!" They backed away slowly then ran out of the door. I turned to Alex smirking, "I have been wanting to do this for the longest time." I slapped him across the face, causing him to hold his cheek. "For all the times you hurt me!" I kicked his stomach causing him to yelp. He leaned on the floor holding his stomach, I took the oppurtunity to kick his jaw and he fell on the floor and I ran upstairs into his office. "Where is it!?" I looked through all his drawers, but there was nothing. I threw a drawer on the floor, and I saw a shiny metal object. I grabbed it quickly, and smiled. It was my mom's necklace. I finally got it back. I put it back on my kneck, I held onto it. "I won't let you go again." I heard footsteps, and I saw Alex peeking through the door. "Give that back! You are still being punished!" I ignored him and tried walking out the door but he pushed me onto the ground. "Stop trying to act tough! Your a weak,pathethic,no good vampire!" I kicked him where the sun don't shine and he fell on the floor. "I'll be leaving now." I walked, but Alex grabbed my foot pulling it making me slip. I fell down screaming. "No your not leaving!" I looked at him with my fangs, hissing at him. "Really? You want to play tough vampire around me?" "Oh trust me Alex, it's not playing." "1,it's Uncle Alex to you! And 2, you want to play tough. Well how about I play along." I saw his fangs come out, and he smirked at me leaping at me. I ran down the stairs, dodging his attack. He fell on the ground, landing with a thud. "You will pay for that you little brat!" I looked down and smirked. "You wanted to play the game." "I'm going to get you!" He tried to get up, but I kicked him down. "Goodbye Alex." I kicked him down the stairs, when he landed his eyes were closed. I ran down the stairs, good he's still alive. I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me. I saw Louis's car and I walked over to it. I opended the passenger door and I felt everyone's eyes on me. "What!" They all snapped their heads foward. "Just drive home!" Louis turned on the engine, and headed off home.

Louis's POV

Why is she acting so different. I looked over at her, she was holding her necklace. I saw a tear slipping out of her eye, I felt my heart shatter into a million peices. I hated seeing her like this. I opended my mouth to say something, but quickly closing it deciding to leave her alone. I pulled into the garage. "Makenzie,Avi you can sleep in the guest room. You can borrow clothes from Brianna." They nodded at me and we all got out of the car. I walked inside, but Briana passed me running up to her room and slamming the door. Making us all jump. The boys looked at me with confused faces. "What happended?" "I don't know we were outside." "You left her inside with a man who could kill her?" "If a vampire screamed at you to stay outside wouldn't you listen!?" They all just nodded their head. "The guest rooms are up there,you guys can figure out bed arrangments and I will get some clothes from Brianna." They walked up the stairs, and dissapeared into the halls. I walked upstairs and knocked on Bri's door. "Leave me alone." "Please let me in." I heard the door unlock, and Brianna opened the door. My heart broke when I saw her, her eyes were red and puffy and she had hurt in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug and she started sobbing into my shoulder. "Shh. It will be ok." "I-i- m-miss her so much!" "I know you do Bri." I kissed her head and I picked her up. I put her into her bed and covered her up with her covers. "Just go to bed Bri, everything will be better in the morning." I kissed her goodnight and went over to her drawer to grab some pajamas. I heard her soft snoars and I turned off the light and closed the door behind me. I walked into the room to see Makenzie talking to Avi. "Here you guys go. Goodnight girls." "Goodnight Louis." They said that in usion, creepy. I walked downstairs to see Justin chatting away with the boys. "Well, I better get going. Night guys." "Goodnight Justin." "Wait! Justin I need to talk to you." He looked at me and gulped. I took him into the kitchen and I looked at him in the eyes. "You hurt her I swear to god I will hunt you down, and hurt you." He quickly nodded and I stuck my hand out. And he shook it. "Treat her well okay?" "Yes sir." "My name is Louis." "Y-yes Louis." We said our goodbyes and he left and I sat down on the couch. I let out a big breath and all the lads looked at me. "Long day?" "Long day indeed." I felt my eyes closing, and soon a deep slumber came over me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey so no one ever messaged me for co-owner. Guys if you guys don't wanna help me out I am just going to have to put this story on hold! I don't want to do that because i love working on this story. So if you can please help me out and someone volunteer to be a co-owner, that would be great! Love you guys!

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