Chapter 1

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He hurried through the air, desperately checking his watch; The archangels wanted him to meet them at 3 o’ clock sharp, he had three minutes, but at least a five minutes flight till he was there “damn it, damn it, damn it! They’re gonna be so pissed if I’m late” he thought and put so much pressure on his wings as they would allow him to.

“Why does their meeting room have to be on the other side of the castle!? Fares away my classroom?! ” he thought as he checked his watch again. One and a half minute. He sighted in relief when he saw the gate; he landed in front of it with a small ‘thud.’   He smiled sheepishly and dusted some imaginational dust of his shoulder, before opening the gate and stepping inside.

A white fog sounded him making it impossible for him to see, he felt the air change and the light became darker, he felt how the ground beneath him changed from the slightly wet grass to the hardness of a floor. The fog diapered and before him sat 4 angles, well they weren’t just angles. They were the archangels. You could tell they were by the way their aura glowed in an almost golden color.

“Welcome Niall, please take a seat” the archangel to the far right said and a chair appeared in front of him, Niall sat down on the backless chair -all chairs up here didn’t have that, because how could you get comfortable in a real chair, when you had wings that reached 10 feet combined? - When Niall had sat down the archangel in the middle spoke up “so Niall, you’re on the guardian education if I’m not mistaken?” Niall nodded not daring to speak “well then take a look at this before we tell you more” he nodded upwards.

Niall tilted his head back and saw the round formed ceiling covered in gray clouds, as soon as it was all covered an imagine of a England appeared, only to stay there for a couple of seconds, to be replaced by a new imagine of an odd sort of building, Niall could tell it wasn’t a building from his time, the soundings was too clean to be from 1895.

“The year is 2014… 119 years after your death.” One of the archangels told him before the imagine chanced again, this time to show a brown haired lad in the start twenties, he sat in front of a computer with his head in his hands, Niall could feel the stress the lad had on his shoulders, just by looking at him.

Niall smiled mentally “being the best in Immortal Human and Picture reading does pay off!” the ceiling turned dark before it showed a imagine of two men – not older that 25- they had a smile on their faces that just screamed ‘CREEPY’ and Niall could tell that they were very dangerous. The clouds disappeared and Niall turned his head to the archangels again with a curious look on his face.

“As you saw Niall, we have a young man, his name is Liam Payne, and has been prying to us since he was 14, which is 7 years in total, but it’s only now we felt the need of giving him a guardian… we don’t know much about the two men you saw on the last Imagine, all we know is that they’re somehow connected with Liam…” the archangel to the far left said and snapped her fingers.

A light green folder floated in front of her and flipped the sides until it reached the page she was looking for “straight A student Niall, that’s impressive, it’s really rear to have straight A’s, seeing as the education to be a guardian is really heard to pass” she said looking up from the folder that disappeared with a silent ‘poof’   Niall cleared his throat – it was not everyday an archangel would talk like that, at all- “so, what you’re trying to tell me is that I have to be this Liam’s guardian angel?” Niall was slightly confused but still super exited

“I trust you know this Niall, but we didn’t choose you to be his guardian… Liam did, when he was 14. But it’s only now we can let you go back to earth” the archangel in the middle said “now you have a week to get ready, rule 2. You will find in your room a folder with all you have to know about Liam, you can go, you’re excused from all your classes until you’re being sent back” Niall nodded and got up and began to walk the way he came from.

Just as his hand touched the doorknob one of the archangels spoke up “remember rule 4 Niall” Niall looked over his shoulder to nod but he was met by the white fog and he felt yet again how everything changed around him.

Niall knew he didn’t have to go to his classes but he did anyway. He had loads of free time so he decided that he would spent some time in the library afterwards, maybe he could get Zayn to go with him, and then when they were done he could spent the rest of the day figuring out how to hide his wings form not only Liam, but all humans. And then tomorrow he would read the folder he had revised.


“Hey Niall why did you suddenly disappear?! You missed lunch and HNC!” (Human Nature Class) Zayn said as he saw Niall at his locker “well the archangels wanted to talk to me at 3 o’clock so I had to go, but guess what happened!” he smiled “what happened, it must be something big of the archangels wants to talk to you about it” Zayn said thoughtfully making Niall smirk “well technical I shouldn’t even be here now, I should be in our room now reading and preparing myself to get back to earth…” Zayn almost squealed in delight “Oh My God you mean you’re a guardian now!?” He asked clapping his hands while doing small jumps “yeah, can you believe it? After 4 years of taking this education I can finally use all I’ve learned for real” Niall chuckled.

“You deserve it mate, you really do” Zayn bumped his shoulder with Nialls, making him laugh “come on Zaynister, there’s SR (Star Reading) now” he said just as the bell rang. Zayn made a sound of protest but followed his best mate to class


Hey babycakes! ^_^
I know I said I wouldn’t update this story before I had finished my own, but I have writers block on DD, so I wrote this instead :P

there’s a picture of the castle on the side ---->

I delicate this to my soulmate @neeeyum

I hope you liked this chapter x3

love yah all! Muah!
- @1d_ninja_cake

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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