Chapter 2: Kidnapping in progress

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Zane Crescent

I was sitting in the back of English when I noticed a dark haired girl staring at me, my wolf was screaming in the back of mind 'Mate!' But I just ignored him and stared back at the beautiful creature.

A faint blush rose to her cheeks before she continued her previous conversation with the beta female.

The beta female - also known as Emerald Taylor had told me about her best friend but I had never payed attention to her until now. I'm not sure but I think her name was Lilith or something.

~After Math~

I glanced around before exiting the classroom, a girl that was barely wearing anything started to wink at me and flutter her fake eyelashes.

I shoved past her and to my next class.

As I walked out of class my senses we're taken over by this intoxicating scent.

My wolf immediately took over and I ran to it.

I spotted Lilith near her locker, my wolf ran to her and engulfed her in a giant hug.

"Mine!" He growled putting his face in the crook of her neck.

"Uh-" she squirmed in my arms, one eyebrow raised, adorably.

"P-please get off of m-me" she whimpered.

I took back control and pushed my wolf to the back of my mind.

I held her tighter and breathed in my new found mate's intoxicating scent.

"Mm, strawberries" I hummed.

"Did you just say strawberries?" She asked, still squirming in my grasp.

I gently put her over my shoulder and walk to the school car park.

"Where are you taking me?!" She screams.

"Emmie is gonna kill you!" She squeals, while kicking me.

"You do have a nice butt though.." she mumbles.

"Do I now?" I ask, a smirk plastered on my face.

"D-did I say that outloud?" she stutters.

"You're too cute" I chuckle.

As we're nearing my car she squeezes my butt, making me jump.

"Two can play that game" I mumble before squeezing hers.

"Eep!" she squeaks.

My Limo is waiting patiently infront of us.

I help her off of my shoulder and place her in the back. She shuffles along to the very end, pouting.

I climb in and shut the door.

I motion with my hand for her to sit closer, but she shakes her head and stares out of the window instead.

I lean over to pick her up, I put my arm behind the back of her legs and the other on the small of her back.

I lift her up and place her in my lap.

She squeaks in response, but stays put.

"Sir, are you ready to leave now?" My driver asks.

"Yes please, Jim"

He nods and the Limo roars to life.

Author's Note

Second chapter of 'Mine' is now complete.

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Kirsty ~

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