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For a long while, I partially forgot this existed, partially wanted nothing to do with it because it was so poorly written compared to what I can do now. However, as of late, I've noticed that this fic has gotten a surprising amount of support. Hell, people even like it enough that someone sent me a PM asking me to update!

And so, I decided to re-read the entire thing. I have mixed feelings.

On one hand, this was horribly embarrassing, reading each part and realizing that, oh shit, I actually thought all of this was great at the time. I literally thought to myself, Was I on crack when I wrote this?!

I have never done drugs nor gotten drunk in my life. This was all me. What the actual fuck was I thinking??

And yet, at the same time, it was kind of fun, looking back on my old works and seeing how much I've improved. I remember how much I loved this fic, and all the fun I had writing it... and I felt compelled to write something.

If people still love this thing as much as I did, and if I've really gotten so much better in the past few years, I might as well continue, or at least do a sequel or re-boot.


Sometime over the weekend, I'm going to post a new story titled 'Creepypasta Truth or Dare: The RE-BOOT.' It's what it sounds like: a newer, better version of 'Creepypasta truth or dare with Kitty!' First and foremost, I'm going to answer/do all of the truths and dares that have been commented but never at least addressed. From then on, all of you lovely people will be able to submit truths or dares for the characters, and they'll eventually be fulfilled!

Just so you're aware, there will DEFINITELY be changes in the re-boot. First of all, the writing style will be a narrative format, meaning I'll be using paragraphs and proper storytelling things. In this piece, I've always used some type of script formatting, so this'll be pretty noticeable.

Also, I plan on depicting the characters differently from how I depict them here. As I've grown up a bit (not fully, but a bit), my thoughts and ideas of these characters have evolved, so they probably won't be portrayed as they are here.

And finally, I've decided to add a plot to it. Yup, for once, this fic is actually going to have a plot. What has the world come to, am I right?

But yeah, expect this new re-boot up sometime this weekend, Tuesday at the latest. I really hope you check it out, and stay tuned!

Creepypasta truth or dare with Kitty! [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now