Video Diary: Normal Life... But With Killers (Pilot)

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*The camera flashes on to show Kitty, an orange-haired, blood red cat-eyed neko with razor-sharp teeth, pure white skin the color of freshly fallen snow, and long hair swooped over her left shoulder, covering her left eye. From what is shown, Kitty's wearing black, stud, spike earrings, a black, spiked choker, her half of her and Alice's 'Sisters Forever' necklaces, a gold half of a heart on a golden chain, her black and white, glow-in-the-dark, skeleton hoodie, and her newest My Chemical Romance t-shirt. She grins a cheshire cat smile.*

Kitty: Hey, guys! =3 As an apology for the long-ass haitus, I'm now going to be doing all of the dares and truths in a video dairy series! =D

*The camera begins moving.*

Kitty: Now, how about we go to the living room? =3

*Kitty holds the camera in front of her face, showing everything in front of her. She walks throughout the mansion from her bedroom, passing various Creepypasta who give her an odd look for walking around with a camera in front of her face. Eventually, Kitty reaches the living room to find Jeff laying on the blood red sofa on his back, hands behind his head, as Ben, still dressed in the maid outfit, stands next the side of the couch where Jeff's head is, holding a bowl full of grapes and occasionally putting one in Jeff's mouth.*

Kitty: Oh, hi guys! =3

Jeff: 'Sup, Kitty! :)

Ben: Hey. L:

Jeff: Silence, slave! CX

*Ben glares at Jeff, a dark aura forming about him.*

Kitty: ANYWAYS, onto the dares! =D

*Grinny walks into the living room then slowly walks out at the word 'dares'.*

Kitty: Oh come on, it's not THAT bad! This time we have some easy stuff! =3

Masky (Who just walked into the living room): REALLY?! :D

Kitty: Yups! =D For starters, 'AlexaTheAmazing', our TRULY amazing, long-time commenter and supporter, asks us 'What is life?'

Alice: BATMAN IS LIFE!!!! :D

Ben: Eventual revenge against Jeff is life. :3


Hoodie: L-life is...

Kitty: Sorry, but I don't believe I heard you... >=3


*Hoodie blushes and runs out of the room*

Masky: Wha-what... ?

*Masky looks from Kitty to the door of which Hoodie exited from repeatedly, pointing and stuttering incoherently before shaking his head and running out after Hoodie.*

Kitty: Pfft. X3

*Slenderman enters the room with Toby from the rucus and 'looks' at Kitty questioningly.*

Kitty: 'AlexaTheAmazing' wants to know 'What is life?'. =3

Slenderman: The children who are our future are life.


Kitty: Jeff? =3


*Ben feeds Jeff another grape, glaring nonexistent daggers. Eyeless Jack passes through the living room back from a killing, twirling his scalpel in his hand, clothes covered with blood.*

Eyeless Jack: Murder is life.

Jane (who just walked in): Killing Jeff is life. e-e

*Jeff nearly chokes on a grape after hearing that.*

Creepypasta truth or dare with Kitty! [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now